An International Publications House

Albert Science International Organization

Connecting People With Pioneering Thought

Albert Science International Organization (ASIO) is international , peer-reviewed , open access , cum print version & online journals.


ASIO Book Publication


ASIO Book Publication is one of the fast growing publishing agencies with an aim to give the liberty to all the talented writers and poets with a chance to get them published at very affordable price. We are recognized as high quality book publishers who offer something to all age groups. We publish books of wide range of category such as Text books, Engineering, Management, Fiction, Finance, Medical, World Politics, Sports, Business, Philosophy, Biography, Religion, Novels, Poetry and many other prolific writings in English only. We evaluate all the received manuscripts for its enthusiasm all over the world. We inform the author about the manuscript if it is selected or if any improvisation is possible. A 13 digits ISBN is assigned to each edition and reprints.ASIO publications have a team of experts for publishing professional books, who helps authors all over the world to achieve their dream of professional publication. Beyond conventional publishing, we have always welcomed innovative ideas and approaches. Here, you can self-publish your book with a full authority over every aspect of your book’s publication, from editorial stage to proof reading, design implementation, marketing decisions and overall timeline. We take the long-term view rather than being influenced by short-term financial results or goals.


So why are you waiting for?

Choose the best suitable self-publishing package for you and become a published author within 15 days after submission of your manuscript. Your published book would be in your hand and displayed in our market place in the next few days.

With us, you can choose a self-publishing package that best suits your publishing goals. So, whether you are writing a romantic novel, an autobiography, historical fiction, science fiction and fantasy, children’s book or in any other genre, we can help you reach your dreams.

We offer quality printing and publishing, worldwide marketing and distribution support and you will have the overall control throughout the entire publication process.


Our Upcoming Books


 A Text Book of Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering

A Text Book of Novel Drug Delivery System

A Text Book of Organic Chemistry

A Text Book of Modern Physics

A Text Book of Physical Pharmacy

A Text Book of Unit Operation

A Text Book of Phathophysiology & Toxicology

A Text Book of Neuro Science

Recent Advances in Nano Technology


Send a Proposal to Us


ASIO highly admire the scientists, engineers, medical experts, researchers, academics, professionals, students and others who contribute to our publications in their fields of expertise as they are true pillars of our publishing business.

Book Proposals
ASIO publish the scientific, technical, and medical books, encyclopedias, journals, and electronic products for academic and professional markets. Our specific fields of interest are nanotechnology, pharmaceutical science, chemistry, physics, engineering, materials science, polymer science, medicine, biosciences, mathematics, computer science and technology and other related areas of physical sciences, engineering and medicine. If you are interested in publishing a work in these fields then please submit your Book Proposal on our website.

Authors/Editor can expect a very quick response from the relevant editor to discuss your book proposal. If the editor accepts your book proposal, you can expect an agreement with competitive royalty rates, advice on how to proceed and other relevant feedback accordingly.

ASIO would start publicity and a very effective marketing through various channels in the early development stage of your work. Authors/Editors will receive as much support as possible throughout the entire publishing process. Product quality is our first criteria therefore a high-quality production effort, and publication schedule will be maintained.

Author/Editor Discount
Authors/editors who publish their books with ASIO are entitled to a 25% discount off list price on all ASIO books (except encyclopedias and journals) in order to value their contribution to our business. This offer is exclusive to ASIO Authors/Editors and book must be for their personal use only. Any special offer cannot be used in conjunction with this exclusive offer. Understandably, this exclusive offer is subject to books available in stock and may not be of use retrospectively. By all means, ASIO reserves the right to change the terms of this offer at any time as appropriate.



Bulk Sales and Wholesale Discounts
ASIO offers discounts to booksellers depending upon the quantity purchased, type of booksellers, type of purchases, types of books, promotion and listing of ASIO products, etc. Specifically, ASIO encourage and grants discount to those booksellers who aggressively promote our products to their customers by various channels such as sending printed brochures, listing our products on their websites, sending email alerts, through sales force, etc. For more information, please contact the ASIO.


We are committed to provide librarians with the tools in order to better serve end users. Please check our current and forthcoming titles for collection development. The most-up-date information on our all titles is available by our online catalog. Please search our titles or browse by subject area to find out a particular product. 


Book submission


ASIO is accepting author/editor proposals for books and monographs as well as conference proceedings of meetings.
To submit a new proposal for a book, monograph or conference proceedings, please click to the 
Join US or submit the book or book contents through online submission or send by e-mail to: or
All books submitted to ASIO are subject to peer review. The books are evaluated by external reviewers (anonymous to authors) and refereed within 2 months. Upon acceptance the books are published within 3 months. 

(Click here to submit the book contents & Click here to download the book proposal form)

Access policy: ASIO provides free access to our books after an embargo period of one month. During the embargo period access to books is available for subscribers.

Copyright: Authors retain copyright. Books are published under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 



Author Guidelines for Book


Audience discourse level: Target audience of the book (especially societies, professional organizations, companies and other groups): academia staff, wide-range researchers, Ph.D., M Sc., postdocs, students, medical staff, food/pharmaceutical companies, private producers and innovative companies.

Organization of the book:

Name of Book

Volume I: Chapter-I ,II…Each Chapter should be 10,000 – 12,000 words (without references)

Volume II:……

Preparation and Submission of the Book Contents

Manuscripts should be concise and consistent in style, spelling (US), and use of abbreviations. Manuscripts should be submitted directly to or Please provide your chapter to your editor on or before specified date.

(Click here to download the Author Guideline for book)

The Basics

Please do not save your entire submission as one file. Save each element (chapter, figure, table, etc.) as a separate file with a logical file name, excluding spaces or special characters, e.g. Vol_III_Title_of_Chapter.doc, Vol_II_Title_of_Chapter.doc, Fig1.2.tif, etc.

Keep your presentation simple and consistent. Do not attempt to style your manuscript to make it look like a final typeset, printed book.

Manuscript Length

Your manuscript should be in the range of approximately 10,000 – 12,000 words (without references) to create approximately 40-45 double-spaced pages in Microsoft Word, at 12-pt font with 1" margins (including all references, images, figures, and tables).

Title and Affiliations

Please include at the top of your manuscript the chapter title, as well as the authors' full names and complete affiliations, including email, telephone, and fax (please indicate corresponding author). 

Chapter abstracts and keywords

As a contributor, you are required to prepare a short abstract and key word list for each chapter and appendix in your submission, to be delivered along with each completed chapter.

Abstracts should be 100-350 words long and provide a brief summary of the chapter theme and content.

Keyword lists should comprise 5-10 words or phrases that describe the contents of a chapter, or would likely be used by someone searching for the specific information provided within the chapter.

Abstracts and keywords are included in electronic versions of your book to improve the discovery of chapter-level content through online searches.


The main body of the chapter should be organized into numbered sub-sections, clearly identified and sequentially numbered as section 1, section 2, section 3, etc. Lower level sub-sections may be organized as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.



This book will be published in full color in the electronic book and black and white in the print book, so please keep this in mind when generating figures and graphs. All images must be provided at a minimum of 300 dpi to ensure professional reproduction. A minimum of 2 cartoon/artwork figures are required. Please note that it is your responsibility to obtain permission for figures, where applicable.


References and Citations

Please compile your references using Harvard (Name-Date) reference style. If using referencing software, please use Harvard reference style.

In-Text Citation: Indicate references using (Name Date) format within the text.

List: List references in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript.


Reference to a journal publication:

Van der Geer, J., Hanraads, J.A.J., Lupton, R.A., 2010. The art of writing a scientific article. J. Sci. Commun. 163, 51–59.

Reference to a book:

Strunk Jr., W., White, E.B., 2000. The Elements of Style, fourth ed. Longman, New York.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

Mettam, G.R., Adams, L.B., 2009. How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: Jones, B.S., Smith, R.Z. (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age. E-Publishing Inc., New York, pp. 281–304.

Figure, Table and Artwork Guidelines

Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text. Please DO NOT embeds tables, graphs, figures, photos, or other artwork within the text manuscript. Captions for figures and tables should be included at the end of the text file, however. 

Please indicate in the text where each table or figure should fall (e.g.: “<Insert Figure 1 here>”). All images should have a resolution of at least 300dpi, except for screenshots which can be 72dpi. Acceptable file types are .jpg or .tif.

Provide guidance with a note in the text or artwork list if the arrangement or sizing of figures is particularly important, e.g. [Figures 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. in a row horizontally, total size together half-page].


Each chapter author is responsible for obtaining written permission from the copyright owner (this is usually the publisher) for re-use in both print and electronic formats, and for all future editions of your work. Associated permissions fees for material from previously published sources is the responsibility of the contributor. Please note that no copyrighted work will be published without appropriate permission.

Please use original, unpublished figures, tables, and other material whenever possible.