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Albert Science International Organization

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Albert Science International Organization (ASIO) is international , peer-reviewed , open access , cum print version & online journals.
JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS) [ISSN: 2455-7064 ]
Editor in Chief         : Dr. Uma Singh 



Subject Area


Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences



2455-7064  CLICK HERE



10.2016-28457823;  [H- INDEX 11.00 ;IF 1.04 (2016-2020)]                      

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ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS) is an international peer reviewed open access journal published monthly. Aim of journal is to publish peer reviewed research and articles in the field of Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics. This journal is having full access to the research and review articles.

This online & Print journal aims to cover the latest developments in the field of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics & all others Applied Sciences,  but not limited to the following branches:

(Applied Sciences such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Ecology, Photonic Science, Chemical Sciences, and Petro Chemical. 

Agriculture Such as Horticulture, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Entomology, Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry Entomology, Plant Physiology.  Biochemistry, Microbiology, Nanotechnology, Nutrition Science, Food and Biotechnology)

Food Technology and Nutrients, Biotechnology , Nano Technology, Genetics & Bioinformatics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics,  Biological Science, Chemistry, Geographical Science, Zoological Science, Geology , Botany Environmental Sciences, Library Science, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Tourism Science, Agriculture   

Food Technology and Nutrients, Biotechnology , Nano Technology, Genetics & Bioinformatics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics,  Biological Science, Chemistry, Geographical Science, Zoological Science, Geology , Botany Environmental Sciences, Library Science, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Tourism Science, Agriculture  

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