Editor in Chief | : | Dr. Priyanka Gupta |
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jetpr@albertscience.com |
Subject Area |
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Engineering & Technology |
Published by |
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ASIO [H- INDEX 11.00] [IF:1.24 (2015-2020] |
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DOI-DS No. | : | |
Paper Submission id | : | submit@albertscience.com |
We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to all the professionals from the field of Engineering & Technological educators, professionals and community stakeholders to share their original review and research thoughts and for the upliftment of the research community and for the growth of Engineering & Technological professions. I want to thank everyone those who helps us to make ASIO- JETPR journal as an outstanding journal. Our Editorial Board and reviewers are influential in our review process and provides a reliability of reviews that is desired to create an eminence journal.
ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR) is an open access journal that provides bi monthly publication of articles in all areas of Engineering & Technology. It is an international refereed e-journal as well as print journal. ASIO-JETPR has the aim to propagate innovative scientific research and eminence in knowledge. ASIO-JETPR Journals has become a prominent contributor for the research communities and societies. ASIO-JETPR Journal is making the bridge between research and industrial developments. The key objectives of ASIO-JETPR Journal are:
1. To provide a platform for the promulgation of research outputs and activities in engineering fields.
2. To publish knowledge and results in an efficient and effective manner.
3. To ensure the implementation of copyright and intellectual property law, ASIO-JETPR Journal keeps a strong eye on the content of research papers.
4. To encourage new research for the industrial applications in engineering fields.
5. To improve the standards of scientific journals for the international dissemination of information.
6. To bring together and build a team of outstanding experts on one platform from all over the world.
7. To produce the authentic and qualitative research.
ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR) is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research and review articles in the fields of Computer Science, Neural Networks, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Plastic Engineering, Food Technology, Textile Engineering, Nano Technology & science, Power Electronics, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computational mathematics, Image processing, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, VLSI Testing & Low Power VLSI Design etc. ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR) is a leading journal of Engineering Research, Engineering Science, Applied engineering, Computer Science Engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, Civil engineering. ASIO-JETPR is the unit of Albert Science Library and a Research Group of Digital Database Identification System (DDIS).
Features & Benefits of ASIO-JETPR Authors:
1. Fast & Easy paper publishing process.
2. ASIO-JETPR provides individual “Digital Object Identifier (DOI)” number to every article.
3. ASIO-JETPR provides “Author copy of Journal” to Authors.
4. ASIO-JETPR provides individual "Hard copy of Certificate” to all Authors.
5. ASIO-JETPR provides individual "Soft copy of Certificate” to all Authors.
An international peer reviewed open access journal published bi monthly. Aim of journal is to publish peer reviewed research and articles in the field of Engineering, Computer Science and it's applications. This journal is having full access to the research and review articles. The research results and fundamental advancement are all aspects of Engineering science and research and various engineering application. ASIO-JETPR is a scholarly open access online Journal which helps to academic person as well as student community. ASIO-JETPR provides the academic community and industry for the submission of original research and applications related to Various Engineering discipline and Technologies. The core of the vision ASIO-JETPR is sharing the innovative ideas and current trends in engineering science. In every year majority of the research works get lost due to lack of effective scientific archival systems. It also provides a place for high opportunities for practitioners, corporate people, M. Tech. student, PhD students to present ongoing research and development in their engineering areas. ASIO-JETPR invites authors for the guest editorship program for improving the journal quality and also sharing the innovative ideas. ASIO-JETPR publishing special issues on various domains. ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR) is an international academic open access journal which gains a foothold in international level, and opens to the world. It aims to promote the integration of Engineering and Technology. The focus is to publish papers on state-of-the-art Engineering and Technology. Submitted papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Journal and Association. The audience includes researchers, managers and operators for Engineering and Technology as well as designers and developers. All submitted articles should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical, and will be peer-reviewed. Articles submitted to the journal should meet these criteria and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.
Computer Science & Technology, Electric, Electronics and Communication Engineering , Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering & Material Sciences, Interior Design, Production Engineering, Metrology & Ceramics, Chemical Engineering, Instrumentation Technology, Information Technology (IT), Petroleum Science & Engineering, Power Engineering, Power Engineering, Space & Rocketing, Painting, Polymer and Textile Engineering, Architecture & Automobile Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering Advanced Algorithms |
Applications of Computer Science |
Architecture Evaluations |
Artificial intelligence |
Automation and Mobile Robots |
Bioengineering |
Bioinformatics |
Blue-Tooth Technologies |
Brain machine Interface System |
Brain Mapping |
Computational Biology |
Computational linguistics |
Computational Statistics |
Computer Applications |
Computer Architecture |
Computer Software / Hardware |
Cyber-Science and Cyber-Space |
Data and Information Systems |
Data Bases and its applications |
Data Compression |
Data Engineering |
Data Fusion |
Data Mining |
Data Warehousing |
Databases |
Design of Algorithms |
Digital Speech Processing |
Distributed Data Base |
Distributed Knowledge-base Systems |
Distributed Multimedia |
Distributed Real Time Systems |
E-commerce |
Education Technology and Training |
Educational Software |
Embedded Systems & Applications |
Environmental Protection |
Fault Tolerance |
Genetic Algorithms |
Genomics |
Granular Computing |
Grid & Parallel computing |
High performance computing |
High Performance Languages |
Human Centered Transportation System (Special Session) |
Human computer Interaction |
Image Processing |
Industrial Apllications |
Information Technology |
Information Theory |
Intelligent Agents |
Intelligent Internet System |
Intelligent Learning in Control System |
Intelligent Power & Energy System |
Intelligent Systems |
Intelligent Transportation System |
Internet based Data Bases |
Knowledge Aquisition in Intelligent System |
Machine Learning |
Micro Electro Mechanical System |
Microstrip circuits and components |
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design |
Operating Systems |
Parallel & Distributed Computing |
Parallel Computing Systems |
Pattern Recognition |
PCS/cellular and hybrid Systems |
Performance Evaluation |
Pervasive Computing and Middleware |
Programming Languages |
Project Management |
Radar, Optical Communications |
Remote sensing |
Reusability |
Robotics |
Robotics and Intelligent Sensing |
Satellite Communications |
Scattering, RF-IC, systems-on-chips |
Scheduling |
Search Engine Design |
Security |
Semantic Web & Web Services |
Sensors and measuring techniques |
Signal Processing & applications |
Signal Processing for Communications |
Soft Computing |
Software Design and Development |
Software Engineering |
Software Evaluation Standards |
Software for Parallel and Distributed Systems |
Software Maintenance |
Software Methodologies |
Software Metrics |
Software Requirements |
Software Testing |
Supercomputing |
System saftey and Security |
and other Related Computer Science Engineering and Technology |
We provide the soft copy of acceptance certificate to all authors within 3 days of publication. It is free of cost by Albert Science International Organization (ASIO).We also provide the hard copy of acceptance certificate on demand to all authors for their publication & extra nominal charges will be applicable for demanding the hard copy of publication certificate. For demanding the hard copy of publication certificate please contact us or send a mail to editor@albertscience.com with details of mailing address of individual authors.
Digital Online Identifier-Database System (DOI-DS)-Digital Library is a storehouse of Indexed Articles, Indexed Journals, Indexed Books, Indexed Libraries, and Other Indexing Objectsand it is nothing but a cross reference system in which Digital online Organization provide a doi no. for a particular object or article. The Digital Library is helping to develop an international strategy to collect, archive and preserve the burgeoning amounts of digital contents like journals, articles, books, conference proceedings for current and future generations.
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