These FAQ’s are designed to provide a better understanding of the ASIO's Publication process and Terms & Conditions. For any kind of more queries feel free to mail us at Your query will be resolved within 3-4 working days.
What’s Open Access?
Open access (OA) is the practice of providing unrestricted access via the Internet to peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles. OA is also increasingly being provided to theses, scholarly monographs and book chapters. By making information freely available in this way, Open Access accelerates research and learning. By reducing the barriers that restrict access to knowledge, Open Access maximizes the opportunity for publications to be read and for authors to be recognized for their contribution in their chosen field and beyond.
How do I submit a Manuscript?
a. You may submit any kind of manuscript through online process mentioned in our web site-
b. Please mention “Submit to General Issue” or “Submit to Special Issue” in the covering letter.
c. Fill in the basic information required.
d. Upload first file of covering letter attached with list of potential reviewers and upload second file as a name of Manuscript; which should contains title page, main Manuscripts with figure and table caption. (Each paper has a unique manuscript number. It's very important to remember the manuscript number for each paper, because it will be useful for further contact with our editor.)
The author may also submit or send their paper directly in You will immediately get an auto-generated reply and within 48 hours your manuscript ID will be intimated to you.
Click on this link to download the- Author instruction, covering letter & Model Manuscript.
How much time would the review process take?
Each submission undergoes a detailed but rapid review by esteemed reviewers. The review process will be completed expectedly within 7-15 days and may be more than that; it depends upon the nature of manuscript & reviewers. We have also a provision for fast tract publication of any manuscript.
I did not receive any ASIO notification even after 7 days of submission!
If this is happened, we request you to escalate the issue to or You shall be informed on the status within 24 hours.
Do you provide any certificate?
Yes, we can provide digital & Hard copy of certificates to the individual authors based on the demand. Click here for demanding the Certificate.
Do you provide any review report?
Yes, we provide the review report for every accepted manuscript.
Can I make any correction in my paper after the publication?
It depends upon the condition, otherwise No. There is no scope of correction after the paper publication.
What is the publication fee?
Our eminent editorial board members and reviewers are working voluntarily for the development of the research field. No publication charges are to be paid for qualitative manuscript and normal publication process. If the editorial board think that the manuscript having a very good impact, in that condition we may accept and publish the paper with free of cost. We also publish the review article with free of cost.
Is the Rapid/fast track publication fee negotiable?
No, the publication fee is fixed.
Do you offer any discount?
Yes, there are some conditions for availing a discount. There was not any provision for any author other than the member of editorial board for first publication, but yes, we give a discount of 50% for next publication.
In this case, the contributing author has to publish two or more papers or any one of the author should be part of the editorial member. When for the second time he/she may publish his/her paper, with a reduction of 50% of the first publication charges. Not more than 50% discount will be provided in any circumstances.
NB: In this case the concerned author has to be one of the contributors and declare his copyrights in all particulars.
Can you issue separate certificate for individual authors?
Yes, we can issue individual certificates.
Do you issue the official acceptance letter?
Yes, we always officially acknowledge the corresponding author about the acceptance of the article without his/her demand.
Will you send the PDF copy of the reviewed manuscript before the final publication?
No, we do not send any copy to the authors in the duration (in case of acceptance) from the final submission to the ultimate publication of the entire issue. We only provide the reviewer comments and necessary action for any manuscript.
Do you provide any hard copy?
No, we only may send one soft copy (authors copy) of your manuscript to the corresponding author. “Save papers, Save Trees”...We are encouraging authors for paperless online publication which is globally accepted. In the case of future reference authors can provide our Journal website where all the issues will be available for ever.
What are the benefits of being an Editorial Board Member or Peer Reviewers in ASIO?
Your name will appear on our journal website.
You can get the latest information of your special field.
You will get a definite concession if you want to publish papers in ASIO. First accepted paper will be published with free of cost and next onward paper will be charged only 50% of the publication charges.
We also provide a certificate to the editorial board member on demand.
What are the requirements of an article submitted to ASIO?
The articles you submit must accord with the field of journal you choose.
How long does it take for an article from submission to publication?
From submission to publication, it takes nearly less than one month for fast track article reviewing, acceptance and publication process and for medium track article reviewing, acceptance and publication process it takes two months to six months and for normal process it takes six months to one year.
When is the Article Processing Charges (APC) paid?
The Article Processing Charges (APC) is paid when an Acceptance Letter of the related paper reaches to the corresponding author.
What is Special Issue?
A Special Issue is a collection of papers on a particular theme within the scope of the journals of ASIO.
How to propose a Special Issue?
Please click here to see the approach of proposing a Special Issue.
What are responsibilities of Lead Guest Editor in a Special Issue?
In a Special Issue, the Lead Guest Editor is mainly responsible for promoting his Special Issue, collecting papers and organizing the guest editors to review papers.
How long does it take to publish a Special Issue?
Usually it takes about one to four months to publish a Special Issue.
1-2 months are for the Lead Guest Editor to collect papers, so there is a submission due date. After the date, authors cannot submit their papers.
1-2 months are for typesetting, reviewing, revision, final edition and publication.
How to find the right person to help you as soon as possible?
For the submission of Manuscript or Book contents, please contact to
For the whole service about ASIO and joining with us, please contact to
For Journal information and manuscript status, please contact to
For Book information, please contact to
To Subscribe the Color Print of Certificate (s), Print of Article and chapter of book, journal, book & Color Journal or book Cover page or to Order Hard Copy please contact
For Special Issue, please contact
For Conference information, please contact
For the advertise in ASIO, please contact to
For indexing information, please contact
For error message about the website, please contact
For copy right claim, please contact to
For any other problem, assistantship or help, please free to contact at
Is this ASIO Journal Peer Reviewed?
Is this Journal Fully Refereed?
Fully Refereed and Peer Reviewed are synonyms.
Is this Journal a Scam, Fake, Predatory, Standalone?
We are not forcing you to publish with us.
Is the Journal published at regular intervals?
ASIO journals publish its two-six issues every year.
Does ASIO Journal provide DOI no.(Digital Object Identifier)?
Yes, we provide DIDS no.
What type of papers does ASIO Journals publish?
ASIO journals publish Research Paper, Survey Paper, Informative Article, Case Studies, Review Papers, Comparative Studies, Dissertation Chapters, Research Proposals or Synopsis and M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis from Engineering & Technology, Medical & Health Science, Humanities & Management, Applied & Allied Sciences.
Are you open to qualitative method?
Yes, we encourage papers where mathematical models are used for analysis and conclusions. For details please refer Guidelines for Authors.
Where do ASIO index its articles?
All published articles on ASIO are indexed on most reputed indexing services over the web. Please see Indexing page for more details.
How do I send my manuscript for online submission?
You can submit your manuscript through ASIO Online Submission module.
How long does it take for an accepted paper to be actually published?
Publication date will be informed to you in Acceptance Email.
How will I come to know that my Paper is Online?
We will send a mail on your registered mail ID once your paper gets online.
What is a Paper ID?
Paper ID is an Unique Identification Code provided to your submitted Manuscript. You should always mention the Paper ID during any communication with us.
How long my published paper will stay online?
Life time.
Is it possible to submit the same article to ASIO and another Journal simultaneously?
No. Unless your article is not rejected by ASIO, You will be bound by an undertaking that the article submitted by you is not published or submitted for publication in any other journal than ASIO journals.
After publication, What if my article is found Plagiarized or Stolen?
ASIO is strongly against Plagiarism. If claim is proven, then your article will be removed from the index immediately without notice and any publication processing charged will be refund in that case.
How does the review process work?
The review of articles is done through a double blind peer review. All the articles received by ASIO journals are sending to Review Committee members after deleting the name of the Author and Country to have an unbiased opinion about the research.
Do you Print or Send Hard copy of Journal and Certificate for Authors?
Yes, we do send Color Print of Certificate (s), Print of Article & Color Journal Cover per request, Additional Charges apply, to Order Hard Copy please contact
When do I receive my Digitally Signed Publication Certificate?
Depending upon number of articles published, it may take maximum 2-3 days after the Publication of your manuscript and the softcopy of certificate will be send to your registered Email ID. Click here now to get Digitally Signed Certificate.
Are there any hidden charges for Soft Copy of Publication Certificate?
No. It's absolutely free.
My Article is online, but I have discovered a mistake in it.
Corrections will be made free of charge only if requested within 3 days of Online Publication.
I have not received my Publication Certificate.
Please mail us at
How can i apply to be a ASIO member?
You may do so by applying through ASIO Online Application Module. Please read Eligibility details before you apply for given position. We do not acknowledge or process an application that does not meet minimum requirements for respective position.
How do you choose the Reviewers?
Eminent academicians are on the editorial board of ASIO who evaluate applicant profiles before they are selected for place in Editorial Board or Reviewer Panel. Common opinion of all Editorial members about respective profile is finally considered for acceptance or denial of application for applied position.
How do I pay Publication or subscribe Charges?
International Authors can pay the Publication Charges online through Paypal (Limited Countries) using Paypal Module and Authors not able to use Paypal may submit Publication Charges using Kagi, where they can pay using their Credit Cards, Wire Transfer or even Cash Deposit. We do not accept Cheque or Demand Draft. In case of difficulty in given methods, please contact on for alternative mode of payment.
May I ask for Refund after Registration is completed?
No. Once the author is registered, ASIO does not issue refunds in any circumstances, unless there is a technical fault from ASIO side only.
My Query is not responded.
This is because your Question is already answered in FAQs section. Every ones time is precious.
What are the ASIO Terms of Service?
For ASIO Terms of Service please click here
What is the ASIO Disclaimer Policy?
For ASIO Disclaimer Policy please click here
What is the ASIO Privacy Policy?
For the ASIO Privacy Policy please click here
What is the ASIO Refund Policy?
For ASIO Terms of Service please click here
I did not find my question on your FAQ list.
Kindly mail us all your queries or suggestions at, we will be happy to serve you better.
How many authors I can have in research paper?
ASIO does not restrict in the number of authors in research paper. All authors who have worked in research paper can be included in paper.
How many maximum numbers of pages can be in research paper?
There can be up to 50 pages in research paper including tables, figures and Appendix.