dids/doi No.:12.2015-77737978
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Aquasomes are one of the most recently developed delivery system for bioactive molecules like peptide, protein, hormones, antigens and genes to specific sites. Aquasomes are spherical in shape with 60–300 nm particles size. These are nanoparticulate carrier systems but instead of being simple nanoparticles these are three layered self assembled structures, comprised of a solid phase nanocrystalline core coated with oligomeric film to which biochemically active molecules are adsorbed with or without modification. Aquasomes contains the particle core composed of nanocrystalline calcium phosphate or ceramic diamond, and is covered by a poly hydroxyl oligomeric film used for drug and antigen delivery. Three types of core material are mainly used for producing aquasomes: tin oxide, nanocrystalline carbon ceramics (diamonds) and brushite (calcium phosphate dehydrates). Aquasomes is one of the part of novel drug delivery carrier which deal with principle of self assembly. We can see better biological activity even in case of conformationally sensitive drug candidates because of the presence of the unique carbohydrate coating the ceramic. This strategy may be beneficially extended to the novel delivery of other bioactive molecules. The molecular plasticizer, carbohydrate prevent the destructive drug-carrier interaction and helps to preserve the spatial qualities. The structural stability and overall integrity is controlled by crystalline nature of the core. We can say aquasomes can be used as a potential carrier for the delivery of a broad range of molecules including viral antigens, hemoglobin and insulin.
Keywords: Aquasomes, Nanoparticles, Polyhy droxyl oligomeric, Nano crystal-line Carbon ceramics
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