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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Medical & Health Sciences Research (ASIO-JMHSR)

Author Names : Tariwari C. N Angaye
Page No. : 01-06
Read Hit : 990
Pdf Downloads Hit : 9  volume 2 issue 1
Article Overview


Tariwari C. N Angaye, Godbless N. Oyinke, Woyengidoubara W.T Angaye, Idoubomi A. Orubina, CONTROL OF MALARIA AND SCHISTOSOMIASIS VECTORS USING EXPRESS SEED SAP EXTRACTS OF GMELINA ARBOREA, ASIO Journal of Medical & Health Sciences Research (ASIO-JMHSR), 2017, 2(1): 01-06.

Doi: 10.2016-74831794; doi link:


Research on plant derived pesticides for their control against vectors that transmit major diseases of public health have become a global mantra. Although the application of synthetic therapies is remarkable, but unfortunately synthetic pesticides pose serious eco-friendly challenge, while drug administration can only abate morbidity burden and reinfection frequency. The biocidal activities of fresh express seed sap extracts of Gmelina arborea was investigated against vectors of malaria (Anopheles Gambiae) and schistosomiasis (Bullinus globosus and Biomphalaria pfeifferi). Results show that the An. gambiae bioassay has LC50 value of 2.25 ppm. Furthermore, the G. arborea extract against B. globosus had LC50 value of 0.75 ppm compared to the B. pfeifferi which was less susceptible with LC50 value of 8.00ppm. Notwithstanding, all assayed extracts were effective against the vectors. As such, based on the finding of this study, G. arborea is therefore recommend as a candidate amongst several bioactive agents for the control of vector-borne diseases.

Keywords: Pesticides, Mosquito, eco-friendly, Larvicides, Molluscicides.

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