Article Overview
Typhoid fever is a multisystemic disease caused by Salmonella Typhi, this disease has caused serious threat to public health as its symptoms are non-specific, the disease is linked to poor water quality arising from improper waste disposal practices and poor personal hygiene practices common in Niger Delta region. These conditions are more pronounced in the rural areas where the incidence of typhoid fever is relatively high. The lack of specificity of the clinical spectrum, added to the difficulty of achieving a definitive bacteriologic or serologic diagnosis, frustrates clinicians managing typhoid fever. Thus it is pertinent to monitor and combat this preventable scourge by improvement in basic necessities of life such as potable water, hygienic food handling in addition to health education. National surveillance programmes and international collaborations are needed to address the substantial gaps in the knowledge about the epidemiology of typhoid fever in Niger Delta. Hence this review is aimed to guide researchers and management of typhoid fever in Niger Delta region of Nigeria.
Keywords: Salmonella, Enteric Fever, Typhoid Fever, Niger Delta, Prevalence, Management, incidence
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