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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Pharmaceutical & Herbal Medicines Research (ASIO-JPHMR) [ISSN: 2455-281X]

Author Names : Divya N
Page No. : 01-07
Read Hit : 982
Pdf Downloads Hit : 40  volume 3 Issue 2
Article Overview

India is a land mark for the traditional system of medicine from the past few centuries. Central council of research in Ayurveda and Siddha has given preliminary guidelines for standardizing these conventional formulations. It is the demand of traditional formulation to get uniformity in production and it is necessary to develop methods for evaluation. Marketed and laboratory prepared Trikatuchurna were subjected to phytochemical screeining, physical characteristics, physicochemical properties and HPLC. The standardized herbal formulation is essential in order to assess the quality, purity, safety & efficacy of the drug. The laboratory prepared trikatuchurna were compared with marketed formulations by performing physic-chemical evaluation, phytochemical screening, microscopic characterization, fluorescence analysis and HPLC etc. The various parameters were sufficient to standardized the Trikatuchurna and their findings will be useful establishing pharmacopoeia standards for crude drugs as well as for formulation which are gaining relevance in research on traditional medicinal system. 

Keywords: Trikatu Churna, Standardization, Formulation, Phytochemicals, Piperine, HPLC.


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