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" Swayamsiddha is the flagship programme of Ministry of Women & Child Development for holistic empowerment of women". The scheme for the empowerment of women was launched in 2001- women empowerment year. Its an Integrated women Empowerment Programme (IWEP). Swayamsiddha was launched in February 2001 in 650 blocks including the 238 IMY blocks in 35 states / UTs with total budget of Rs. 116.30 crores. Goa and the UTs of Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli and chandigarh did not show any progress in the scheme and therefore the Scheme was withdrawn from them and the blocks were re allocated to Rajasthan, Bihar and Sikkim. Although the scheme will end in March 2008, the expenditure till 2006 is Rs. 71.76 crores (61.70 %). The Scheme is implemented through the ICDS set up in most of the states with no additional manpower for project implementation and monitoring in most of the states. The State functionaries do not get any extra remuneration / incentive for the additional resposibilities of swayam-siddha that they have to perform. As a result, it took two years for the states to initiate project activities at the field level. The Nodal officers and Master Trainers selected by the state Governments were Govt. officers who were transferred very often resulting serious disruptions in project implementation. By the end of the Scheme all women participating in the scheme will be part of strong, self-reliant and functional SHGs, clusters and federations. The project will be 10 years duration commencing on 1st April 2007, the end date of swayamsiddha phase-I.
Keywords: Swayamsiddha, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Mahila samriddhi Yojana.