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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI) [ISSN: 2455-2224]

Author Names : Dr. Soniya Sharma
Page No. : 01-05
Read Hit : 762
Pdf Downloads Hit : 9  Volume 4 Issue 1
Article Overview


Dr. Soniya Sharma PROGRESS UNDER SWAYAM-SIDDHA SCHEME, ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention , 2018, 4(1): 01-05.


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“Swayam-Siddha “Scheme is an integrated development scheme, which is formed for women empowerment. Swayam-Siddha scheme is a flagship programme of women and child Development. In this scheme, all the backward areas were selected. Reason behind that was only the progress of these areas. Women play very important role in our society. They hold half portion of the society and therefore if they are not aware and educated then the future generation and also the society will not get aware. Swayam-Siddha scheme helps the poor and rural women to start some income generating activities through SHGs. Various training and awareness programmes regarding the above reason were organized. These help them awareness towards education, sanitation, health, medical services, decision-making, etc. Above two blocks of Jhabua district were performed not very satifactory , but we can say that they understood the main goal of the scheme, and started the progressive activities at the end of phase-I of the scheme. Those things make a positive base for phase-II, Which was start in the next year of ending of the phase-I. phase -II of Swayam-Siddha scheme is more focused and include many new ideas and efforts, which help to remove the constraints in the way of success of the " Swayam-Siddha ".

Keywords: Swayam-Siddha, Indira Mahila Yojana,Phase-I and II, ministry of women and child Development of India.



  1. Swayam-Siddha (IWEP), Micro-credit Development Bureau, Department of Women and Child Development.
  2. Functioning & Performance of Swashakti and Swayam-Siddha projects in India Final Report, 2007.
  3. Department of Women & Child Development, Petlawad and Ranapur, Dist. Jhabua, Information given in Right to Information.