According to Cerny Globalisation is “the convergence of economics and politics across borders into single dominant model, a variant of liberal capitalism aligned with neo-liberal politics” or “the intersection of different form of both convergence and divergence.” Giddens interprets these developments as “the emergence of a world economy, a world polity and perhaps a culture, in short, the emergence of a world society”. Lastly Chandler touches upon the “Americanization”, which underlines the culture orientation. Meaning of the New World Order and Globalisation The new world order denotes a "system of collective world security where states and peoples can live in peace with each other, ideologies aside" and "observe each other's borders and maintain collective security interests" . Public sector organizations are now under worldwide pressures to enhance their productivity by increasing efficiency. “Governance” deals with the capacity of the government to design, formulate and implement policies and in general to discharge their functions. Good governance is more than a mere world that implies efficient public administration. Thus, empowering citizens has been a key component of recent reform wave surrounding public administration.
Keywords: Globalisation, Indian Administration, E-Governance, Entrepreneurial Government.
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