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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Drug Delivery (ASIO-JDD) [ISSN: 2455-2828]

Author Names : Pranjal
Page No. : 31-36
Read Hit : 862
Pdf Downloads Hit : 7  volume 1 issue 1
Article Overview


Pranjal, A. K. Gupta, A. Mittal, A Review on Cannabinoids –An Effective and Safe Treatment in Management of Pain, ASIO Journal of Drug Delivery (ASIO-JDD), 2015, 1(1): 31-36.


dids/doi No.: 12.2015-38368922

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The background to this debate about legitimising cannabis (also called marijuana), collected from the plant Cannabis sativa is used as analgesic for both therapeutically and recreationally from thousands of years. Chronic pain is common and debilitating with too few effective therapeutic options. Cannabinoids represent a relatively new pharmacological option as part of a multimodel treatment plan. Cannabis is used recreationally because of the euphoria that it produces. The adverse psychological effects (including psychomotor and cognitive impairment; anxiety and panic attacks; and acute psychosis and paranoia) may limit therapeutic use. Cannabinoid refers to a group of chemicals naturally found in the marijuana plant Cannabis sativa L. and includes compounds that are either structurally or pharmacologically similar to Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol or those that bind to the cannabinoid receptors. Adverse effects associated with the cannabinoids were common and sometimes severe in six of the eight trials that showed efficacy. The predominant adverse effect seemed to be depression of the central nervous system. Cardiovascular effects were generally mild and well tolerated. In conclusion this systematic review of recent good quality randomized trials demonstrates that cannabinoids are a modestly effective and safe treatment option for chronic non-cancer (predominantly neuropathic) pain.

Keywords:Cannabinoids, Cannabis sativa, non-cancer pain, psychological effects

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