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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Pharmaceutical & Herbal Medicines Research (ASIO-JPHMR) [ISSN: 2455-281X]

Author Names : Bhagyashri M. Raut
Page No. : 49-54
Read Hit : 787
Pdf Downloads Hit : 21  Volume 5 Issue 1
Article Overview


Bhagyashri M.  Raut, Dr. Bharati V. Bakade, Sayali S. Bompelwar, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF TASTE MASKED FORMULATIONS OF MODEL DRUG BY USING EUDRAGIT L -100,  ASIO Journal of Pharmaceutical & Herbal Medicines Research (ASIO-JPHMR), Volume 5 (1); 2019; 49-54.


DOI Link :: ; doi:


 In the oral dosage form taste of a drug plays an important role in patient compliance, Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate is a nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor drug with an extremely bitter taste. In the current research work, an attempt was made to mask the bitter taste of Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarate by complexation technique, with a formulation into oral dispersible tablets, using super disintegrant croscarmellose sodium in different concentration. Polymer Eudragit L -100 was used in the formulation of the complex with the Tenofovir Disproxil Fumarate. The complexes were formulated as 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 ratios. The loading process was optimized by the drug and polymer ratio. The prepared complexes were analyzed for taste masking by panel method and characterized by FTIR. Using the optimized drug-polymer complexes (1:3 ratio), oral dispersible tablets were prepared and evaluated for pre-formulation and post formulation parameters. The formulations were subjected to thickness, hardness, diameter, weight variation test, friability test, disintegration time, in-vitro dissolution time and stability study. All the parameter passes the test. This finding can be utilized to formulate a non-bitter dosage form for Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate with good bioavailability and stability.


Keywords:  Taste Masking, Complexation, Eudragit L -100, Oral Dispersible Tablets

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