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Getting Rid of “Bomb Pushing the Womb”: Dysmenorrhea Management

Author Names : Abdul Kader Mohiuddin
Page No. : 07-12
Read Hit : 781
Pdf Downloads Hit : 6  volume 3 issue 1
Article Overview


According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, up to 20% of women suffer from menstrual cramping severe enough to interfere with daily activities. If prostaglandins levels are higher, more pain is often associated with the cramps. Cycle length, blood loss, period-related symptoms, fluid color, and consistency are all highly variable, even for just one person. However, severe menstrual pain is likely to be caused by a health issue such as PMS, fibroids, or endometriosis and requires medical support. When researchers analyzed frequency and duration of exercise and compared it to reports of period pain, they found exercise did little to reduce discomfort, and in fact, this persisted even when a range of other factors—including weight, ethnicity, smoking, and use of the birth control pill—were taken into consideration. Some women may also prefer not to use hormonal contraceptives, as they can bring unwanted side-effects such as fluctuations in weight and mood. Some methods can also slightly raise the risk of certain cancers, including breast cancer (although they reduce the risk of others, including womb cancer).

Keywords: dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome; irregular menstruation; pelvic pain; yoga; aromatherapy; menstrual disorders

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