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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Analytical Chemistry (ASIO-JAC) [ISSN: 2455-7072]

Author Names : Ishwari R. Chaudhari
Page No. : 01-07
Read Hit : 946
Pdf Downloads Hit : 7  volume 3 issue 1
Article Overview


 Pranit G. KubareIshwari R. Chaudhari, RESEARCH ON PHYSICOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF MUCILAGE FROM SEEDS OF PYRUSCYDONIA, ASIO Journal of Analytical Chemistry (ASIO-JAC), 2019, 3(1): 01-07.


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as related to a process of production of pharmaceutically useful dry water-soluble mucilage/polysaccharide from the seeds of Pyrus Cydonia.  Extraction of water-soluble mucilage from the seeds of Pyrus Cydonia was performed using hot water, ethanol and acetone as a solvents for better yield. Physicochemical characterization and other studies such as viscosity, pH, swelling Index, solubility, film-forming capacity, and loss on drying were discussed. The percentage yield of mucilage was found 10%. It was found that mucilage formed a colloidal solution in cold & hot water. A viscosity study of mucilage was done by using Brookfield viscometer. The Pyrus Cydonia mucilage formed a fragile film after it has been incubated at 50oc for 24 hr. When it was exposed to the air, the film became sticky, flexible and stretchable. The swelling index of mucilage was found in a different solvent such as distilled water, gastric fluid 0.1N Hydrochloric acid and it was found 23.39±0.061 % and 13.29±0.06 % (vol/vol) respectively. The pH of 1% w/v solution of mucilage in water was 5.6 and at 0.1N HCl was 2.12, which indicated that the product was acidic in nature. The Powder characterization study such as bulk density and tapped density of mucilage were 0.45, 0.62 respectively and Carr’s index and Hauser’s ratio was 32.25 and 0.72±0.05. The moisture content of mucilage was 1%. The angle of repose was 38.40O. Scanning electron microscopy was indicated an uneven size structure. The FTIR spectrum shows peaks at 3377.83 cm1 for Pyrus Cydonia indicating presence of hydrogen bond and 1245.25 cm-1 indicated for alkyl group. Biological evaluation of dried mucilage was carried out by determination of LD50 of dried mucilage of Pyrus Cydonia and it was found safe in mice after its administration by the oral route. Hence, the extracted dry water-soluble mucilage/polysaccharide from Pyrus Cydonia may be useful in the field of pharmacy, because it was found economic, non-toxic and biocompatible in nature.

Keywords: Mucilage / polysaccharide, viscosity, swelling Index, film forming.

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