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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Experimental Pharmacology & Clinical Research (ASIO-JEPCR) [ISSN: 2455-7080]

Author Names : Abdul Kader Mohiuddin
Page No. : 01-12
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Article Overview


Dr. Abdul Kader Mohiuddin, TRACK (BY NEHEP) IMPLEMENTATION: A BANGLADESH SCENARIO, ASIO Journal of Experimental Pharmacology & Clinical Research (ASIO-JEPCR), 2020, 6(1): 01-12.

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With the increasing burden of non-communicable diseases in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), biological risk factors, such as hyperglycemia, are a major public health concern in Bangladesh.Optimization of diabetes management by positive lifestyle changes is urgently required for prevention of comorbidities and complications, which in turn will reduce the cost.Diabetes had 2 times more days of inpatient treatment, 1.3 times more outpatient visits, and nearly 10 times more medications than non- diabetes patients, as reported by British Medical Journal. And surprisingly, 80% of people with this so called “Rich Man's Disease” live in low- and middle-income countries. According to a recent study of American Medical Association, China and India collectively are home of nearly 110 million diabetic patients. The prevalence of diabetes in this region is projected to increase by 71% by 2035. Bangladesh was ranked as the 8th highest diabetic populous country in the time period of 2010-2011. In Bangladesh, the estimated prevalence of diabetes among adults was 9.7% in 2011 and the number is projected to be 13.7 million by 2045.The cost of diabetes care is considerably high in Bangladesh, and it is primarily driven by the medicine and hospitalization costs. According to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, in 2017 the annual average cost per T2DM was $864.7, which is 52% of per capita GDP of Bangladesh and 9.8 times higher than the general health care cost. Medicine is the highest source of direct cost (around 85%) for patients without hospitalization. The private and public financing of diabetes treatment will be severely constrained in near future, representing a health threat for the Bangladeshi population.

Keywords: blood sugar screening; compliance; overweight; lifestyle; regular health checkup; Ramadan fasting; climate issue of diabetes.

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