Affiliation: Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering and Technology (Pharmacy), Bareilly-243202, (U.P.), India
DOI : 10.2016-19146535/ ;
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India is a focus for development of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homoeopathy and another natural herbs based health science (AYUSH). Highly probable and dependent in the future for the production of saundary prasadkas (herbal cosmetics) in the Ayush Pharmaceutical industry.Natural beauty helps blessing and cosmetics present and enhance facets of human beings' appearance and personality. The preparation of Sundary Prasadak is a cosmetic base in conjunction with the known active ingredient Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani (ASU), a reference readily available in Schedule 1, book of Drug and cosmetic act 1940 and rule 1945). In ancient times people were used for saundrya prasadan karma to different leps, Alepa, Pralepa, Udavartan, Prakshalan etc. Nature has offered the way to keep up that parity. Herbs! Yes herbs are one such means. An herb is a plant or plant extract, including leaves, bark, berries, roots, gums, seeds, stems and flowers which are favour with nourishing and healing elements. Cosmetics alone are not competent to take care of skin and others body parts, it requires association of active ingredients to check the casualty and ageing of the skin. The use of herbal cosmetics among the population has increased significantly. The effectiveness and inherent acceptability of herbal products was stated through regular use in everyday life and the adverse effects commonly seen in synthetic products were avoided.
KEYWORDS: Cosmetic; Cosmeceutical; Antioxidant; Drug; Herbs , Ayurveda
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