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JOURNALS || ASIO Publication of Thesis & Dissertation (ASIO-PTD)

Author Names : Ms. Sayra Akter Lia
Page No. : 01-67
Read Hit : 895
Pdf Downloads Hit : 8  volume 2 issue 1
Article Overview


Abdul Kader Mohiuddin & Sayra Akter LiaPhytochemical Screening & Biological Investigations of Ficus racemosa, ASIO Publication of Thesis & Dissertation (ASIO-PTD), 2020, July, 2(1): 01-67.

ARTICLE TYPE: Dissertation

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Ficus racemosa is an important medicinal plant, found in India, Australia, and Southeast Asia. It is popularly known as ‘gular.’ It reduces blood glucose concentration due to the presence of β-sitosterol. Many active constituents that have been isolated from various parts of this plant possess useful pharmacological activities. The objective of this dissertation is to identify the biological activity of the roots of an indigenous medicinal plant, viz., Ficus racemosa (Family: Moraceae) and to evaluate the possible phytochemical and pharmacological profiles of the crude extracts. So far, some chemical and biological investigations have been carried out on this plant mainly focusing on the bark and root of the plant. That’s why the goal of this framework is to explore the potential possibilities of developing new drug candidates from the fruit of this plant which could be crucial for the treatment of various ailments.

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