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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Experimental Pharmacology & Clinical Research (ASIO-JEPCR) [ISSN: 2455-7080]

Author Names : Sontakke Shital
Page No. : 54-68
Read Hit : 991
Pdf Downloads Hit : 32  Volume 6 Issue 1
Article Overview


Sontakke Shital, N. B. Ghiware, S. K. Sarje, Phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of vigna radiata stem bark extracts for antiamnetic activity, ASIO Journal of Experimental Pharmacology & Clinical Research (ASIO-JEPCR), 2020, 6(1): 54-68.


Affiliation: Department of Pharmacology, Nanded Pharmacy College, Nanded, Maharashtra, India. 

Doi: 10.2016-37245516/;

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The present study reports physicochemical characterization, antioxidant and Antiamnetic activity of extracts from vigna radiata stem bark collected from local region of Nanded, Maharashtra, India. Different physical parameters like ash values, extractive value, Loss on drying, solubility etc were evaluated for powdered drug. The extracts were obtained from Soxhlet method by using ethyl acetate and methanol as solvents for extraction and subjected for preliminary physicochemical evaluation and antioxidant studies. Total phenolic and flavonoids content were also analyzed. The presence of primary and secondary metabolites such as carbohydrate, proteins, alkaloids, phenolic compounds, saponins was confirmed through preliminary phyto-chemical analysis. DPPH free radical scavenging assays showed strong antioxidant activities with increase in concentration of ethyl acetate and methanol stem bark extracts. Maximum percentage inhibition i.e. 80.97% was shown by ethyl acetate extract at concentration of 150 μg/ml and was compared with Ascorbic acid as reference standard. The In-Vivo Antiamnetic activity of vigna radiata stem bark was evaluated by radial arm maze model in rats using Piracetam as a standard. Scopalamine (1mg/kg) used as inducing agent. Both the extracts at 200mg/kg concentrations showed significant to highly significant number of entries & time spent in P zone (from P < 0.05 to P < 0.001). The result suggests that vigna ridiata stem bark extracts possess Antiamnetic avtivity and this might be due to flavonids. Phenolic compound, steroid and proteins present in extract.  

Keywords: Vigna radiata, ethyl acetate and Methanolic extract, Phytochemical screening, Antioxidant effect, Antiamnetic activity.  


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