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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS) [ISSN: 2455-7064 ]

Author Names : Dinesh Verma
Page No. : 28-31
Read Hit : 827
Pdf Downloads Hit : 4  Volume 4 Issue 1
Article Overview


The linear non-homogeneous differential equations are generally solved by adopting by Laplace transform method or by method of variation of parameters or by method of undetermined coefficients or by Fourier transform. The paper inquires the linear non-homogeneous differential equations by applying complex inversion formula. The purpose of paper is to prove the applicability of complex inversion formula to analyze linear non-homogeneous differential equations.

Index Terms: Linear non-homogeneous differential equations, Complex inversion formula.


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[10] Dinesh Verma and Rahul Gupta, Delta Potential Response of Electric Network Circuit, Iconic Research and Engineering Journal (IRE), Volume-3, Issue-8, February 2020, pp: 155-157.

[11] Dinesh Verma and Amit Pal Singh ,Solving Differential Equations Including Leguerre Polynomial via Laplace Transform, International Journal of Trend in scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD),Volume-4, Issue-2, February  2020 , pp: 1016-1019.

[12] Dinesh Verma and Amit Pal Singh, Importance of Power Series by Dinesh Verma Transform (DVT),  ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR) Volume -5, Issue-1, 2020, PP:08-13.

 [13] Dinesh Verma Analytical Solutuion of Differential Equations by Dinesh Verma Tranform (DVT),  ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS), Volume -4, Issue-1, 2020, PP:24-27.

 [14] Dinesh Verma, A Useful technique for solving the differential equation with boundary values, Academia Arena? Volume-11, Issue-2, 2019 , pp: 77-79.

[15] Dinesh Verma , Relation between Beta and Gamma function by using Laplace Transformation, Researcher Volume-10, Issue-7, 2018 , pp: 72-74.

[16] Dinesh Verma , An overview of some special functions, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology (IJIRT), Volume-5, Issue-1, June 2018 ,pp:  656-659.

[17] Dinesh Verma, Applications of Convolution Theorem, International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), Volume-2, Issue-4, May-June 2018 , pp: 981-984.

[18] Dinesh Verma , Solving Fourier Integral Problem by Using Laplace Transformation ,International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology (IJIRT), Volume-4, Issue-11, April 2018 , pp: 1786-1788.

[19] Dinesh Verma  ,Applications of Laplace Transformation for solving Various Differential equations with variable co-efficient, International Journal for Innovative Research in Science and Technology (IJIRST), Volume-4, Issue-11, April 2018 , pp: 124-127.

[20] Dinesh Verma, Amit Pal Singh and Sanjay Kumar Verma, Scrutinize of Growth and Decay Problems by Dinesh Verma Tranform (DVT), Iconic Research and Engineering Journals (IRE Journals), Volume-3, Issue-12, June  2020; pp: 148-153.

 [21] Dinesh Verma and Sanjay Kumar Verma, Response of Leguerre Polynomial via Dinesh Verma Tranform (DVT), EPRA International  Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR), Volume-6, Issue-6, June  2020, pp: 154-157.

 [22] Dinesh Verma, Empirical Study of Higher Order Diffeential Equations with Variable Coefficient by Dinesh Verma Transformation (DVT), ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR), Volume -5, Issue-1, 2020,  pp:04-07.