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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Medical & Health Sciences Research (ASIO-JMHSR)

Author Names : Baraikio Didi
Page No. : 04-09
Read Hit : 854
Pdf Downloads Hit : 10  Volume 4 Issue 2
Article Overview



1Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State

2Department of of Biological Sciences, Niger Delta University Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Doi: 10.2016-74831794; DOI Link ::


The environmental and health problem of pollutant gas pollutant gas like Nitrogen Oxide (NOx), cannot be overemphasized. This study is focused on the evaluation and health risk of NOx gas associated with some dumpsites in Yenagoa Metropolis, Nigeria. Handheld AEROQUAL meter was used for sampling the gas (Nitrogen Oxide-NOx) in 7 locations, including control station. Result shows that temperatures (29.63 - 31.12 oC), relative humidity (66.66 – 72.44%), and wind speed (0.98 – 4.03 m/s). Furthermore, the NOx concentrations range from; 0.01 – 0.72 ppm. The concentration of NOx in the control station was below detection limit. Air quality model for the health risk assessment showed that the concentration of NOx emission was largely safe, except for the stations of the central dumpsites (CDS), which was predominantly hazardous. This study therefore concludes that the anthropogenic emissions and greenhouse effects of NOx should be checked.

Key words: Air Quality, Municipal waste, Nitrogen oxides, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.


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