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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Pharmaceutical & Herbal Medicines Research (ASIO-JPHMR) [ISSN: 2455-281X]

Author Names : Vishal Galave
Page No. : 78-83
Read Hit : 849
Pdf Downloads Hit : 17  Volume 6 Issue 2
Article Overview



Department of Pharmacy, Navsahyadri Institute of Pharmacy, Naigaon (Nasarapur), Pune, India.


DOI : 10.2016-19146535/ ; DOI Link ::


Momordica charantia (bitter gourd; family Cucurbitaceae) is a crucial medicative vegetable crop, mostly found in tropical and climatic zone regions of Asia, tropical continent, geographical region and America. Bitter melon has been used as a folks remedy for tumors, asthma, skin infections and high blood pressure. The plant hasbeen used as a conventional drug in China, India, Africa, and therefore the south-eastern United States of America. it's a nonnitrogenous neutral principle charantin, and on chemical reaction offers aldohexose and a steroid alcohol. The fruit pulp has soluble cellulose however no free acid. Galacturonic acid is additionally obtained from the flesh. Bitter gourd is rich in nutrients like B, carotin, folate, riboflavin, and minerals like metal, iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, magnesium, metal and dietary fiber. Regular use of bitter gourd juice boosts body stamina and prevents chronic fatigue. The carotin content in bitter gourd helps in controlling eye disorders and enhances sight. Bitter melon has anti-Tumor, anti-inflammatory drug, Inhibitor action, hypo-lipidemic, hypo-glycaemic properties etc. 

Key Words-Momordica charantia, medicinal properties, pharmacology, Chemical Compostion, Phytochemical constutients.

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