1M. Pharm. Scholar, G. D. Memorial College of pharmacy, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India-342005.
2Prof. cum Principal, Dept. of pharmacology G. D. Memorial College of pharmacy, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India-342005.
3Dept. of pharmacology, G. D. Memorial College of pharmacy, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India-342005.
DOI : 10.2016-19146535/ ;
DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2021-46217468/ASIO/JPHMR/V7/I1/454
Ethno-pharmacological significance: Capparis deciduas family (Capparidaceae) is eminent for curing a variety of ailments such as toothpain, cough, fever and rheumatism.
Aim of the study: The present study was to evaluate anti-asthmatic activity of ethanolic extract of Capparis decidua bark in various animal models.
Materials and methods: Animals were housed together of in four cages and separates for male and females. The animals were maintained under standard environment condition and temperature at 220C and 30-70% RH. The animals were fasted for 3-4 hr with drinking water and slandered palliated diet.
Results: In the groups of mice, pretreated with ethanolic extract of fruits of Capparis Decidua at dose of 100 and 200mg/kg p.o, there was significant (p<0.01) inhibition of milk-induced Leucocytosis as compared to the control.
Conclusion: In the present study the ethanolic extracts of bark of Capparis Decidua was evaluated for the management of asthma. Ethanolic extract of fruits of Capparis Decidua may possesses antiasthmatic activity which may be due to antihistaminic activity, broncho dilating activity, adaptogenic activity, mast cell stabilizing activity, anti-inflammatory activity (inhibition of antigen antibody reaction) and anti-oxidant activity. Thus, Capparis Decidua fruits may be used in the management of asthma.
Keywords: Anti-asthmatic, Ethanolic extract, Extraction, Phytochemical Investigation, Toxicity Studies.