Article Overview
Sarmukh S, Tan Y.L, Ramesh T, Chew L.G, Dermoid cyst of the spermatic cord mimicking incarcerated inguinal hernia: a case report with review of literature, Journal of Medical & Health Sciences Research (ASIO-JMHSR), 2021, 5(1): 01-03.
Hospital Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
doi: 10.2016-74831794;
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Dermoid cyst of the spermatic cord is a very rare clinical entity with only 6 cases reported in the literature so far. We describe an extremely rare case of a large dermoid cyst of the right spermatic cord measuring 6cm x 5cm x 5cm in an elderly patient who approached us with clinical manifestations of an incarcerated inguinal hernia. We advocate the treatment option is complete surgical excision of the dermoid cyst of the spermatic cord with mesh repairs. The use of polypropylene mesh, in emergency inguinal hernia repairs, associated with dermoid cyst is safe as it does not increase the rate of mesh infection.
Keywords: Dermoid cyst, Inguinal hernia, surgical excision.
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