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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Drug Delivery (ASIO-JDD) [ISSN: 2455-2828]

Author Names : Shibam Acharya
Page No. : 01-11
Read Hit : 1017
Pdf Downloads Hit : 8  Volume 5 Issue 1
Article Overview


Shibam Acharya, Souvik Mallik, Soumya Rakshit, Sabuj Kumar Bhattacharya, Partha Sarathi Mondal, Sanjoy De,  Bankim Chandra Nandy, An overview of nebulized drug delivery system and their application in different fields, ASIO Journal of Drug Delivery, 2021, 5(1): 01-11.


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Different technological advancements and developments have been performed worldwide in the avenue of inhalation therapy. Nebulization is a common method for generating medical aerosol and is used worldwide by adults and children. Nebulizer is a electrically powered or battery powered machine that turn liquid medication into a mist so that it can be breathed directly into the lungs. Nebulized Pharmacological therapy is used treatments for patients with asthma and COPD. People suffered from COPD died every year in low- and middle-income countries. Current guidelines emphasized on inhaled pharmacology therapy as the favorable route of administration for treating COPD, asthma and various other pulmonological diseases. A successful pulmonary administration requires a harmonic interaction between the drug formulation, the inhaler device, and the patient. This review describes the various features of nebulizer delivery devices concerning mechanisms of aerosol generation, their use with different formulations, and their advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: Technological advancement, Inhalation therapy, Aerosol generation, pulmonary problems, COPD, Mist generation.

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