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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI) [ISSN: 2455-2224]

Author Names : Zara Batool
Page No. : 01-04
Read Hit : 740
Pdf Downloads Hit : 27  Volume 7 Issue 2
Article Overview


Zara Batool, Namra Muzaffar, Musafria, Pakiza Rani, Sania Akhtar, Kanwal Parveen, Ayesha Tahir, Shehbaz Ali, Noman, Muahmmad Arshad, Muahmmad Khursheed, Muhammad Waseem Haider, Ahmed Haseeb Shahid, Zohaib Iqbal, Kashmla KiranA critical analysis of women's rights in Pakistani society, ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI), 2021, 7(2): 01-04.

1to15BS Department of Urdu, Federal Urdu University Science & Technology, Islamabad Campus, Pakistan.

Doi : 10.2016-14781119


Despite the fact that the Pakistani constitution declares that all countries are equal in the eyes of the law and that there should be no discrimination based on gender, there are widespread practices that violate these guarantees. In Pakistan, these traditional systems are the most significant impediments to women achieving equal status.

Keywords: Weak Gender, Rights of women, Education, Belief, Decision.

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