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Author Names : Vedika Sarode
Page No. : 01-09
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Article Overview


Vedika Sarode, Prajakta N. Dongare, Anuja S. Motule, Ravindra L. Bakal, Jagdish V. Manwar, Harigopal S. Sawarkar, Review on herbal nutraceuticals as a health benefits, Journal of Medical & Health Sciences Research (ASIO-JMHSR), 2021, 5(2): 01-09.

Vedika Sarode1, Prajakta N. Dongare*1, Anuja S. Motule1, Ravindra L. Bakal1, Jagdish V. Manwar2, Harigopal S. Sawarkar2

1IBSS’s Dr. Rajendra Gode Institute of Pharmacy, Mardi road, Amravati-444 602, MS, India.

2IBSS’s Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Mardi road, Amravati-444 602, MS, India.

doi: 10.2016-74831794

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Nutraceuticals are food part or part of food that provides medical health benefits including the prevention or treatment of disease. Nutraceuticals has advantage over the medicines because they avoid side effects, have naturally dietary supplement, etc. nutraceuticals; on the basis of their natural source, chemical grouping, categories into three terms- nutrients, herbals, dietary supplements, dietary fibers. Dietary bioactive compounds from different functional foods, herbs and nutraceuticals (ginseng, ginkgo, nuts, grains, tomato, soy phytoestrogens, curcumin, melatonin, polyphenols, antioxidant vitamins, carnitine, carnosine, ubiquinone, etc.) can ameliorate or even prevent diseases. Protection from chronic diseases of aging involves antioxidant activities, mitochondrial stabilizing functions, metal chelating activities, inhibition of apoptosis of vital cells, and induction of cancer cell apoptosis. Functional foods and nutraceuticals constitute a great promise to improve health and prevent aging-related chronic diseases.

KEYWORDS: Dietary supplements, nutraceuticals, regulation, antioxidants, health benefits.

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