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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI) [ISSN: 2455-2224]

Author Names : Sayed Ali Mujtaba
Page No. : 09-11
Read Hit : 1194
Pdf Downloads Hit : 60  Volume 7 Issue 2
Article Overview

Sayed Ali Mujtaba, Asma, Hamza IshaqSatti, Sami-ur-Rehman,Muhammad NabeelSajid, Muhammad Waleed Malik, Muhammad Shah Zain, Syed Muhammad Burhan Bukhari, China’s foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific, ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI), 2021, 7(2): 09-11.

1-8BS International Relations, Department of international Relations, Muslim Youth University Islamabad Campus, Pakistan.

Doi : 10.2016-14781119

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China since the 90s has experienced a rapid economic growth putting it on par with the U.S if its debt to GDP ratio is taken into consideration. This economic growth was a result of capitalizing its economy and various other factors which has since put the U.S on alarm. China has since used a foreign policy which is an amalgamation of its economic and military strength. The main goals of China’s foreign policy is to limit interference of other states in its territory evident from its protectionist trade policies and to protect the regime by increasing their influence abroad on other continents and its different regions a direction which is quite similar to the behavior of other authoritarian states. However, the success of Chinese foreign policy cannot be denied in many areas and this success is credited not in small part to the U.S after Donald Trump came into power which has given China space to increase its influence like the U.S role in the Japan-South Korea tensions which threatened to terminate the 2016 military intelligence-sharing agreement.

Keywords: China, Asia-Pacific, Nations, Economic.


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