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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR) [ISSN: 2455-3794]

Author Names : Sanjive Kumar Singh
Page No. : 06-10
Read Hit : 908
Pdf Downloads Hit : 7  volume 1 issue 1
Article Overview


Sumit Sharma, Devi Singh and Sanjive Kumar Singh, Genetic unpredictability, heritability and correlation coefficient in turmeric (curcuma longa l.) in allahabad agro-climatic condition, ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR), 2015, 1(1): 06-10.


dids/doi No.: 01.2016-19818151

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The present study on genetic unpredictability, heritability and correlation coefficient in turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) in Allahabad agro-climatic condition study including mean, genotypic and phenotypic variances, coefficient of variation, heritability, and genetic advance was performed on genetically diverse nineteen genotypes of Turmeric. KTS-2 in 13 genotypes was found superior in terms of rhizome yield per ha. Large amount of variability exhibited in the genotypes for selection. Considerable differences were found among the genotypes for all the traits. The phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was much greater than genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all the traits. Traits like plant height (30, 60, 90 and 120 DAS), number of leaves (30, 60, 90, and 120 DAS), days to maturity, weight of rhizome (g/plant), dry matter recovery (g/plant), yield (q/ha), curcumin content (%), showed positive correlation with rhizome yield per ha, plant height after 120 DAS, days to sprouting, showed negative correlation at both phenotypic and genotypic level. Genetic advance at 1% was found high for plant height after 90 DAS plant height after 120 DAS, weight of rhizome per plant, rhizome yield per ha. As per genetic advance, it was found in percent of mean at 1% was noticed high for all the traits. Weight of rhizome per plant exhibited the highest positive direct effect followed by days to sprouting, curcumin content, plant height 120 DAS, at genotypic level. In view at the direct and indirect contributions of component traits towards rhizome yield/ha, selection on the basis of horticultural traits viz. would be a paying preposition in the genotypes included in the study.

Keywords:- turmeric, curcumin content, genotypes, unpredictability

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