Dr. Harish Verma, Prof. cum Principal, The Jagran School of Law, Selaqui (Dehradun) Uttarakhand
The system of governance in ancient public administration in India was planned and systematic. Practices of governance adhered to during ancient public administration formed basis for the emergence and development of the idea of ‘good governance’ in modern public administration. Beating of drums, pulling of chain, Jharokha darshan, Jan-Sunwai and inscription on rocks were some of the major practices adopted during ancient public administration to keep people informed about governments’ decisions. These ancient administrative practices still do exist in modern public administration albeit in different names and forms. The present study aims to peep into the best governance practices of ancient Indian public administration. The study further makes a comparison between ancient public administrative practices and modern public administrative practices. The purpose of making a comparison between two administrative phases is to know how old administrative practices have provided solid foundation for the development of the idea of good governance in modern public administration. The paper is theoretical in nature and secondary data for completion of the study has taken from books, articles, websites and law reports etc.
Key Words: - Governance, Public, Administration, Ancient, Modern, Practices.
[1] S.P. Gupta vs. Union of India, AIR 1982 SC 14; Benett Coleman vs India, AIR 1973 SC 106; L.K Koolwal vs. State of Rajasthan AIR 1988 Raj 2.
[2] Aruna Goel, Good Governance and Ancient Sanskrit Literature (Deep & Deep Publication Pvt. Ltd. , New Delhi, 1st edn., 2003).
[3] Paul Masson-Oursel and Helena De Willman-Grabowska, et.al, “Ancient India and Indian Civilization 229 (London Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd., 1st edn., 1934); A.L. Basham, The Wonder that was India 234 (Hawthorn Books, Inc. Publishers, New York, 1st edn., 1963).
[4] Chkradhar Jha, History and Sources of Law in Ancient India 43 (Ashish Publishing House, New Delhi, 1st edn., 1987).
[5] A.L. Basham, The Wonder that was India 255(Hawthorn Books, Inc. Publishers, New York, 1st edn., 1963).
[6] Quoted by C.L. Baghel and Yogendra Kumar, Good Governance, Concept and Approaches 29 (Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi, 1st edn., 2006).
[7] Shri Prakash Singh, “Concept of Rajdharma in Adi-Kavya: Ramayana and Mahabharata LXI IJPA 134 (2015).
[8] Quoted by I.P. Gupta, Urban Glimpses of Mughal India 61 (Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, 1st edn., 1986).
[9] Bharat Interface for Money (popularly known as BHIM) is a mobile app developed by National Payments Corporation of India, based on the Unified Payment Interface. It was launched in New Delhi on 30 December 2016. It was named after B. R. Ambedkar and is intended to facilitate e-payments directly through banks as part of the 2016 Indian banknote demonetization and drive towards cashless transactions.
[10] Romila Thapar, Asoka, And the Decline of the Mauryas 95 (Oxford University Press, 1st edn., 1963).
[11] R.C. Majumdar, An Advanced History of India Part I 120 (Macmillan St Martin’s Press, 3rd edn., 1970).
[12]Available at : http://www.katinkahesselink.net/tibet/asoka
(visited on January 2, 2020).
[13] Romila Thapar, supra note 10 at 169.
[14] K.A. Nilakanta Sastri & G. Srinivasachari, Advanced History of India 243-44 (Allied Publisher Pvt. Ltd., 1st edn., 1970).
[15] Quoted by P.V. Kane, “History of Dharmashstra -Ancient and Medieval Religious and Civil law Vol.III 59 (Bhandarkar Oriental Research institute, Poona,2nd edn., 1973); also see, M. Rama Jois, Legal and Constitutional History of India, Vol. I 33 (N. M. Tripathi Pvt. Ltd., Bombay, 1st edn., 1990).
[16] The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is one of the Mukhya Upanishads and key scripture to various schools of Hinduism. For detail on Narada Samriti see Shraddhakar Supakar, Law of Procedure and Justice in Ancient India 47(Deep & Deep Pvt. Publications, New Delhi, 1st edn., 1986).
[17] Shailendra Nath Kapur, “Good Governance in Ancient India”, an article in edited book edited by C.P. Barthwal 102 (2003).
[18] See, 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992.
[19] Manu was most eminent jurist of Ancient India who contributed to the development of Hindu Law in his own way. For detail see U.C. Sarkar, Epoch in Hindu Legal History 103-104 (Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute, Hoshiarpur, 1st edn., 1958).
[20] V.D. Mahajan, Ancient India 192(Lajpat Nagar New Delhi, 1st edn., 1960)
[21] Ibid.
[22] Parmatma Sharan, Ancient India Political Thought and Institutions 420 (Meenakshi Prakashan, New Delhi, 1st edn., 1982).
[23] V.D. Mahajan, supra note 20.
[24] Ibid.
[25] H.N. Naqvi, History of Mughal Government and Administration 250(Kanishka Publishing House Delhi, 1st edn., 1990)
[26] Id., at 259.
[27] Ashirbadi Lal Srivastava, Akbar the Great Vol. I Political History, 1542-1605 A.D. 164 (Shiv Lal Aggrawal and Company, Educational Publishers, Agra, 2nd edn.1972).
[28] Ibid.
[29] Mohamed Taher, Mughal India-Part I 9 (Anmol Publisher Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd edn., 1978).
[30] Mohamed Taher, Mughal India-Part I 2 (Anmol Publisher Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi).
[31] Ibid. Also see, Ram Prasad Khosla, Mughal Kingship and Nobility 126(Idarah-1 Adabiyat-1 Delhi, 1st edn., 2009)
[32] I.P. Gupta, supra note 8.
[33] Ibid.
[34] I.B.N. Hasan, “The Central Structure of the Mughal Empire and its Practical Working Up to the year 1657-66 (Munshi Ram Manohar Lal Oriental Publishers, New Delhi, 1st edn., 1970).