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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Drug Delivery (ASIO-JDD) [ISSN: 2455-2828]

Author Names : Surbhi Sharma
Page No. : 01-08
Read Hit : 826
Pdf Downloads Hit : 25  Volume 6 Issue 1
Article Overview


Surbhi Sharma, Subas Chandra Dinda, Himanshu Sharma, Matrix types drug delivery system for sustained release: a review, ASIO Journal of Drug Delivery (ASIO-JDD), 2022, 6(1): 01-08.

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Drug release can be properly maintained using matrix tablets made from an acceptable blend of polymers. Maintaining the drug's efficacy may be aided by maintaining its release. The system is cost-effective since it is built of easily available polymers. These systems are especially beneficial for individuals who require continuous medication delivery over a long length of time. It is an effective technique for medications that are not intrinsically long-lasting and require numerous daily dosing to obtain the intended therapeutic effects; it improves patient compliance as compared to traditional dosage forms. As a result, for medications with a short half-life, a sustained release drug delivery system is chosen in order to keep the drug plasma level in the therapeutic index for a longer length of time. Many new systems are still being developed. However, before launching a new product, the marketability and feasibility of each new formulation must be thoroughly evaluated.
KEYWORDS: Matrix tablet, Sustained Release, in-vitro dissolution, polymers.


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