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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS) [ISSN: 2455-7064 ]

Author Names : Updesh Kumar
Page No. : 01-03
Read Hit : 713
Pdf Downloads Hit : 5  Volume 5 Issue 1
Article Overview


Updesh Kumar, Govind Raj Naunyal,Dinesh Verma, An Empirical Study of  Impulsive Potential Source with Step Function, ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS), 2022,5(1): 01-03.
1, 2 Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, KGK (PG) College Moradabad


Doi: 10.2016-28457823;  DOI Link ::

The impulsive response of network circuits are generally analyzed by adopting different integral transforms. The paper inquires the impulsive response of network circuits by Elzaki integral transform: Elzaki Transform and proves the applicability of Elzaki Transform to get hold of the impulsive response of Electrical circuits.
Keywords: Elzaki Transform, Impulsive Response, Network Circuits.


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[2] Dinesh Verma. Atul Kumar Rai and Vipin Dixit, On noteworthy Applications of Differential Equations with Leguerre Polynomial, EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)” Volume-8, Issue-5, May- 2022, PP: 05-08.
[3] Dinesh Verma, Aftab Alam, Analysis of Simultaneous    Differential Equations By Elzaki Transform Approach, Science, Technology And Development Volume Ix Issue I January 2020. PP: 364-367 .
[4] Arun Prakash Singh and Dinesh Verma, An approach of damped electrical and mechanical resonators, SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics), Volume-9, Issue-1, January- April-2022, PP: 21-24.
[5] Govinfd Raj Naunyal, Updesh Kumar and  Dinesh Verma, A study on properties and applications of Elzaki Transformation, Iconic Research and Engineering Journals (IRE Journals), Volume-5, Issue-11, June  2020, PP: 96-100.
[6] Dinesh Verma and Rahul Gupta ,Delta Potential Response of Electric Network Circuit, Iconic Research and Engineering Journal (IRE) Volume-3, Issue-8, February  2020. PP: 155-157.
[7] Dinesh  Verma, Elzaki Transform of some significant Infinite Power Series, International Journal of  Advance Research and Innovative Ideas  in Education (IJARIIE)” 6(1), February  2020. PP: 1201-1209.
[8] Arun Prakash Singh, and  Dinesh Verma , An Empirical analysis of a particle in an infinite square well potential by elzaki transform with eigen energy valus and eigen functions, IOSR Journal of applied physics (IOSR-JAP), 14(2), SERIAL –II, March- April- 2022, PP: 18-22.
[9] Rohit Gupta, Dinesh Verma and Amit Pal Singh , Double Laplace Transform Approach to the Electric Transmission Line with Trivial Leakages through electrical insulation to the Ground, Compliance Engineering Journal Volume-10, Issue-12, December 2019. PP: 301-304.
[10] Rohit Gupta, Rahul Gupta and  Dinesh Verma ,Laplace Transform Approach for the Heat Dissipation from an Infinite Fin Surface , Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJESR),Volume-06, Issue-2 (February 2019). PP: 96-100.
[11] Dinesh Verma, Empirical Study of Higher Order Diffeential Equations with Variable Coefficient by Dinesh Verma Transformation (DVT ), ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR), Volume -5, Issue-1, 2020, pp:04-07.
[12] Dinesh Verma, Analyzying Leguerre Polynomial by Aboodh Transform, ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS), Volume -4, Issue-1, 2020, PP:14-16.
[13] Dinesh Verma, Aftab Alam, Dinesh Verma –Laplace Transform of some momentous Function, Advances and Applications in mathematical sciences, 20 (7), May 2021. pp:1287-1295.
[14] Dinesh verma, Rahul gupta, rohit Gupta, determining rate of heat convected from a uniform infinite fin using gupta transform, Roots international journal of multidisplenary researchers,, 7(3), February 2021. PP: 66-70.
[15] Dinesh Verma Analytical Solutuion of Differential Equations by Dinesh Verma Tranforms (DVT),  ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS), 4(1), 2020, PP:24-27.
[16] Dinesh Verma, Empirical Study of Higher Order Diffeential Equations with Variable Coefficient by Dinesh Verma Transformation (DVT ), ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR), 5(1), 2020,  pp:04-07.
[17] Dinesh Verma, Amit Pal Singh and Sanjay Kumar Verma, Scrutinize of Growth and Decay Problems by Dinesh Verma Tranform (DVT), Iconic Research and Engineering Journals (IRE Journals), 3(12), June  2020; pp: 148-153.
[18] Dinesh Verma, Elzaki Transform Approach to Differential Equations, Academia Arena, 12(7), 2020, pp: 01-03.
[19] Dinesh Verma and Rohit Gupta, Analyzying Boundary Value Problems in Physical Sciences via Elzaki Transform , by  in ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS), 4(1), 2020, PP:17-20.
[20] Dinesh Verma, Elzaki Transform Approach to Differential Equatons with Leguerre Polynomial, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science (IRJMETS), 2(3), March  2020, pp: 244-248.