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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR) [ISSN: 2455-3794]

Author Names : Updesh Kumar
Page No. : 01-04
Read Hit : 698
Pdf Downloads Hit : 5  Volume 6 Issue 1
Article Overview


Updesh Kumar, Dinesh Verma, Research Article: A Note On Applications Of Dinesh Verma Transformation, ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR), 2022, 6(1): 01-04.
1Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, KGK (PG) College, Moradabad, India

Doi no.: 10.2016-56941953;doilink/05.2022-65395229/10.2016-56941953/ASIO-JETPR/2022/144

If the energy of event atoms is low, only s-wave is spread and all other waves in the partial waves in the region of non-zero potential are so tiny that they remain unchanged. In this paper, we talk about the scattering of low energy particles by perfectly rigid sphere. The quantum mechanical total scattering cross-section for low energy particles by perfectly rigid sphere is obtained, and is compared with classical result.
Index terms: Scattering, Perfectly Rigid Sphere, Low Energy Particles, Dinesh Verma Transform.


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[2] Dinesh Verma. Atul Kumar Rai and Vipin Dixit, On noteworthy Applications of Differential Equations with Leguerre Polynomial, EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR)” Volume-8, Issue-5, May- 2022, PP: 05-08.
[3] Dinesh Verma, Aftab Alam, Analysis of Simultaneous    Differential Equations By Elzaki Transform Approach, Science, Technology And Development Volume Ix Issue I January 2020. PP: 364-367 .
[4] Arun Prakash Singh and Dinesh Verma, An approach of damped electrical and mechanical resonators, SSRG International Journal of Applied Physics), Volume-9, Issue-1, January- April-2022, PP: 21-24.
[5] Govinfd Raj Naunyal, Updesh Kumar and  Dinesh Verma, A study on properties and applications of Elzaki Transformation, Iconic Research and Engineering Journals (IRE Journals), Volume-5, Issue-11, June  2020, PP: 96-100.
[6] Dinesh Verma and Rahul Gupta ,Delta Potential Response of Electric Network Circuit, Iconic Research and Engineering Journal (IRE) Volume-3, Issue-8, February  2020. PP: 155-157.
[7] Dinesh  Verma, Elzaki Transform of some significant Infinite Power Series, International Journal of  Advance Research and Innovative Ideas  in Education (IJARIIE)” 6(1), February  2020. PP: 1201-1209.
[8] Arun Prakash Singh, and  Dinesh Verma , An Empirical analysis of a particle in an infinite square well potential by elzaki transform with eigen energy valus and eigen functions, IOSR Journal of applied physics (IOSR-JAP), 14(2), SERIAL –II, March- April- 2022, PP: 18-22.
[9] Rohit Gupta, Dinesh Verma and Amit Pal Singh , Double Laplace Transform Approach to the Electric Transmission Line with Trivial Leakages through electrical insulation to the Ground, Compliance Engineering Journal Volume-10, Issue-12, December 2019. PP: 301-304.
[10] Rohit Gupta, Rahul Gupta and  Dinesh Verma ,Laplace Transform Approach for the Heat Dissipation from an Infinite Fin Surface , Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches (GJESR),Volume-06, Issue-2 (February 2019). PP: 96-100.
[11] Dinesh Verma, Empirical Study of Higher Order Diffeential Equations with Variable Coefficient by Dinesh Verma Transformation (DVT ), ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR), Volume -5, Issue-1, 2020, pp:04-07.
[12] Dinesh Verma, Analyzying Leguerre Polynomial by Aboodh Transform, ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS), Volume -4, Issue-1, 2020, PP:14-16.
[13] Dinesh Verma, Aftab Alam, Dinesh Verma –Laplace  Transform of some momentous Function, Advances and Applications in mathematical sciences, 20 (7), May 2021. pp:1287-1295.
[14] Dinesh verma, Rahul gupta, rohit Gupta, determining rate of heat convected from a uniform infinite fin using gupta transform, Roots international journal of multidisplenary researchers,, 7(3), February 2021. PP: 66-70.
[15] Dinesh Verma Analytical Solutuion of Differential    Equations by Dinesh Verma Tranforms (DVT),  ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS), 4(1), 2020, PP:24-27.
[16] Dinesh Verma, Empirical Study of Higher Order Diffeential Equations with Variable Coefficient by Dinesh Verma Transformation (DVT ), ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR), 5(1), 2020,  pp:04-07.
[17] Dinesh Verma, Amit Pal Singh and Sanjay Kumar Verma, Scrutinize of Growth and Decay Problems by Dinesh Verma Tranform (DVT), Iconic Research and Engineering Journals (IRE Journals), 3(12), June  2020; pp: 148-153.
[18] Dinesh Verma, Elzaki Transform Approach to Differential Equations, Academia Arena, 12(7), 2020, pp: 01-03.
[19] Dinesh Verma and Rohit Gupta, Analyzying Boundary Value Problems in Physical Sciences via Elzaki Transform , by  in ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS), 4(1), 2020, PP:17-20.
[20] Dinesh Verma, Elzaki Transform Approach to Differential Equatons with Leguerre Polynomial, International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science (IRJMETS), 2(3), March  2020, pp: 244-248.