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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Pharmaceutical & Herbal Medicines Research (ASIO-JPHMR) [ISSN: 2455-281X]

Author Names : Pratibha Gupta
Page No. : 15-19
Read Hit : 773
Pdf Downloads Hit : 21  Volume 8 Issue 1
Article Overview


Pratibha Gupta1, Santanu Haldar1, Moumita Das Kirtania†1, Ankit Chowdhury1, Anwesha Barik1, Sanjay Dey1, Bankim Chandra Nandy2

1Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Medical Sciences, Adamas University, Barasat Barrackpore road, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
2School of Pharmacy, Techno India University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

DOI : 10.2016-19146535/ ; DOI Link :: JPHMR/ 10.2016-19146535/V8/I1/463

How to cite the article?
Pratibha Gupta, Santanu Haldar, Moumita Das Kirtania, Ankit Chowdhury, Anwesha Barik, Sanjay Dey, Bankim Chandra Nandy, Formulation and characterization of floating beads to deliver aspirin, ASIO Journal of Pharmaceutical & Herbal Medicines Research (ASIO-JPHMR), 2022, 8(1): 15-19.

Floating drug delivery systems have gained importance during the last few decades. The floating beads dosage form with lower density as compared to the gastric juice gains buoyancy as well as greater bioavailability with less adverse effects. It has the potential to combat the limitations of other novel drug delivery systems. Multiparticulate systems offer an added advantage of spreading uniformly throughout the gastric fluid and each unit behaves as a single unit. Floating beads for model drug aspirin were developed in this study using two different techniques to maintain buoyancy using olive oil and calcium carbonate. It was hypothesized that olive oil entrapped alginate beads being lighter than aqueous medium would float on the surface of gastric fluid while, calcium carbonate used in the other formulation would generate effervescence and keep the granules floating. Both the methods were used simultaneously in the present study and compared. The formulations were characterized with respect to drug loading, yield, floating time, drug release and release kinetics. The different floating techniques applied showed promising results with effective buoyancy. Carbopol and sodium alginate accentuated the property of sustained release from the formulation. The further in-vivo studies on animal models might help in the evaluation of safety and efficacy of the developed formulation. 

Keywords: Floating beads, Controlled drug delivery, Aspirin, Sodium alginate, Carbopol 940, Olive oil


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