dids/doi No.: 01.2016-19818151
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Cloud computing is now developing in no way before, with companies of all shapes and sizes adapting to this innovative technology. Industrialist believes that this trend will only continue to develop further in the upcoming few years. While cloud computing is obviously beneficial for mid-size to large companies, it is not without its downsides, especially for smaller businesses Cloud computing refers to the use of computing resources, those being hardware and/or software) that lie on a remote machine and are delivered to the user as a service over a network, with the most prevalent example being the internet. By definition, a user assign the responsibility his data to a remote service, on which has limited to no influence. When it first appeared as a branch and a concept in it world, a lot of critics don’t allow it as being the latest tech trend. However, cloud computing managed to cut through the hype and truly shift the paradigm of how IT is done now which is totally different from traditional. The Cloud has attained cutting costs for enterprises and helping end users focus on their main business instead of being obstructed by IT issues. That’s why it seems that it is here to stay for the future Services on a cloud is categorized into three category saas (software as a service), paas (platform as a service),iaas (infrastructure as a service). In this survey paper we present the study of IAAS. We describe an IAAS resource which is completely relying on open source technology that is open stack. We discuss its functionality, architectural design and different versions in details.
Keywords: Open Stack, CC-Cloud Computing, VM-Virtual Machine.