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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Drug Delivery (ASIO-JDD) [ISSN: 2455-2828]

Author Names : Santanu Halder
Page No. : 09-13
Read Hit : 762
Pdf Downloads Hit : 3  Volume 6 Issue 1
Article Overview


Santanu Halder, Moumita Das Kirtania, Sanjay Dey, Rajkumar Ghosh, Sajal Kumar Jha, Anwesha Barik, Fabrication and Evaluation of Mikania micrantha extract loaded Transdermal Patch, ASIO Journal of Drug Delivery, 2022, 6(1): 09-13.

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Medical Sciences, Adamas University, Barasat - Barrackpore Road, 24-Parganas North, Jagannathpur, West Bengal 700126, India.


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Being approved in the year 1981by USFDA, scopolamine loaded transdermal patch (Transderm-Scop), developed by ALZA Corp, USA was the first one to hit the market of transdermal drug delivery systems. Several other drugs including antihypertensives, anti-anginal, menopausal, anti-motion sickness has established its numerous advantages when delivered from commercially available transdermal drug delivery modules including some others which are currently under clinical investigations at different phases. Delivery of therapeutic/ diagnostic molecules via transdermal route not only maximizes flux in to systemic circulation at a reproducible rate but also reduce the risk of pre-systemic metabolism while minimizing the retention of drug in to the dosage form. Literature review suggests the antidiabetic as well as wound healing potential of the plant Mikania micrantha especially at the crude extract obtained from the dried leaves which urged us to design the experiment to fabricate drug loaded transdermal patches. These medicinal properties conferred by the aerial parts possibly owe to the presence of beta-caryophyllene in the essential oil due to its unique mechanism to bind to the cannabinoid 2 (CB2) receptors. The patches were found to maintain uniformity in weight which depicts the reproducibility in the formulation procedure while all other evaluation parameters such as surface pH, moisture content, folding endurance were found to be optimum. Overall the formulation turned out to be physically stable, without being dry and brittle.

Keywords: Transdermal Patch, M. micrantha, Antibacterial, wound healing, Crude extract.


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