dids/doi No.: 01.2016-19818151
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Chemical hazards are often associated with Major Hazard Facilities and chemical transport; they are ubiquitous in workplaces and so are within the scope of practice of all organizations. The modern approach to chemical hazard control encompasses both the reactivity and toxicity of chemicals. Because the management of the transport, storage and handling of bulk chemicals or explosives is generally outside the scope of the professional role, this article focuses primarily on the toxicity of chemicals and its safety guards. However, the principles discussed also apply to chemical reactivity. This article includes a brief review of the history of chemical hazard management and considers the extent of the problems posed by chemical hazards. In addressing the knowledge required to understand chemical hazards and control measures, the article distinguishes between acute and chronic exposures, discusses chemical classification systems, and applies a risk-management framework to consider issues related to identification of chemical hazards, risk assessment and control. So, a SDS is an important tool for eliminating or minimizing the risks associated with the use of hazardous chemicals in workplaces.
Keywords: Chemical hazards, safety, SDS, risks assessments, Safeguards