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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Analytical Chemistry (ASIO-JAC) [ISSN: 2455-7072]

Author Names : Tamal Maity
Page No. : 29-32
Read Hit : 826
Pdf Downloads Hit : 8  volume 1 issue 1
Article Overview


Tamal Maity, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Technology: Detection of GM DNA & Agricultural Biotechnology Products, ASIO Journal of Analytical Chemistry (ASIO-JAC), 2015, 1(1): 29-32.


dids no.: 03.2016-28554435,

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The principle of a PCR reaction can be generalized as the, in-vitro replication of small fragment of template DNA upto a desired size (< 10 kb). The DNA product formed after PCR are known as amplicons. Amplicons are increased in number exponentially after completion of each cycle. It includes separation of two opposite DNA strand by heat denaturation instead of enzymatic unwinding occurs in cells. PCR is only one of the techniques that are used for the detection of GM material in a product. Although protein-based test technology is available and applied to testing (1), especially in the seed and grain industry, the remainder of the article will focus exclusively on PCR technology. PCR can be used in two primary ways in the detection of GM DNA in plants. These are termed quantitative PCR, which yields an estimate of the amount of the specific analyte present, and qualitative PCR, which yields a yes/no answer as to the presence of GM material. Polymerase Chain Reaction technology is often used for the detection of products of agricultural biotechnology. It is critical that such methods are reliable and give the same results in laboratories across the world. This can only be achieved by proper validation of the methods.

Key words: PCR reaction, protein-based test technology, GM DNA, agricultural biotechnology.

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