ARTICLE TYPE: Dissertation
dids/doi No.: 02.2016-61128823
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The enactment of the different legal instruments and other efforts from 2002 to date, the effectiveness of decentralisation is assumed not guaranteed in The Gambia. This may be attributed to the inadequate redistribution of authority, responsibilities and financial resources for providing public services among the Local Government Councils and other Actors, and unavailability of adequate sources of revenues to the Local Councils. The main objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of decentralisation in The Gambia. Primary data was collected by administering questionnaires, interview guide and observation. The questionnaire used structured questions and both open-ended and close-ended questions were also utilised and the data analysed using Comparison, Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and Excel. However, secondary data was also collected to augment the studies. A non-probability sampling known as purposive sampling was used to elicit data from 38 respondents. One hundred (100) Per cent of the respondents said that it is true that the inadequate implementation of the laws and policies on decentralisation in The Gambia has affected the realisation of both administrative and fiscal decentralisation. Regarding political decentralisation in The Gambia, 76.4 per cent of respondents said political decentralisation is effective in The Gambia while about 23.7 per cent agrees that it is either weak or moderate. On the effectiveness of administrative decentralisation in The Gambia, 13.2 per cent of the respondents said administrative decentralisation in The Gambia is weak, 78.9 per cent indicates moderate while only 7.9 per cent said it is effective. As regards to the effectiveness of fiscal decentralisation in The Gambia only 2.6 per cent of the respondents said is very effective while 23.7 per cent and 73.7 per cent have the opinion that fiscal decentralisation is moderate and weak respectively. However, 86.84 per cent of the respondents agreed that the effectiveness of decentralisation in The Gambia is either weak or moderate. It is therefore important for the Central Government to totally devolve powers and allocate adequate sources of revenues to the Local Councils in order to ensure the provision of quality services and address the development needs of the citizens through an effective decentralisation system.
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