Article Overview
Amlan Bishal, Sounik Banerjee, Tamal Maity, Rupajit Bhattacharjee, Satya Prasanna Das. Toxicology: A Current Concept & Trends, ASIO Journal of Pharmaceutical & Herbal Medicines Research (ASIO-JPHMR), 2016: 2(1), 09-20.
dids/doi No.: 12.2015-77737978
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Toxicology may be defined as “the study of the detection, occurrence, properties, effects, and regulation of toxic substances,” although more expressive, do not resolve the difficulties. Toxicity itself cannot often, if ever, be defined as a single molecular event but is, rather, a cascade of events starting with exposure, proceeding through distribution and metabolism, and ending with interaction with cellular macromolecules (usually DNA or protein) and the expression of a toxic end point. Persistent pesticides applied directly to the soil have the possible to move from the soil into the water and thus enter the food chain from both soil and water. At the same time fertilizers leach out of the soil or runoff during rain events and flow into the natural water systems. Due to overlapping of mechanisms as well as use and chemical classes of toxicants, clear division into subjects of equal extent or significance is not possible. Exposure of humans and other organisms to toxicants may result from many activities: intentional ingestion, occupational exposure, environmental exposure, as well as accidental and intentional (suicidal or homicidal) poisoning. The toxicity of exacting compound may vary with the gateway of access into the body, whether through the alimentary canal, the lungs, or the skin.
Key Words: Toxicology, Measurement, History, Carcinogens.
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