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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR) [ISSN: 2455-3794]

Author Names : N. Malathi
Page No. : 01-08
Read Hit : 903
Pdf Downloads Hit : 10  volume 2 issue 1
Article Overview


N. Malathi, E. Swetha, Design a Processor Based on VLIW Architecture for Executing Multi-Scalar/Vector Instructions, ASIO Journal of Engineering & Technological Perspective Research (ASIO-JETPR), 2016, 2(1): 01-08.

dids/doi No.: 01.2016-19818151

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One of the most important methods for achieving high performance is taking advantage of parallelism. This paper proposes new processor architecture for data-parallel applications based on the combination of VLIW and vector processing paradigms. It uses VLIW architecture for processing multiple independent scalar instructions concurrently on parallel execution units. Data parallelism is expressed by vector ISA and processed on the same parallel execution units of the VLIW architecture. The proposed processor, which is called VecLIW, has register file of 64x32-bit registers in the decode stage for storing scalar/vector data. VecLIW can issue up to four scalar/vector operations in each cycle for parallel processing a set of operands and producing up to four results. This loads/stores 128- bit scalar/vector data from/to data cache. Four 32-bit results can be written back into VecLIW register file. The complete design of our proposed VecLIW processor is implemented using Verilog targeting the Xilinx FPGA Virtex-5, XC5VLX110T-3FF1136 device.

Keywords: VLIW architecture; vector processing; data-level parallelism; FPGA/Verilog implementation                                                            

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