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JOURNALS || ASIO Publication of Thesis & Dissertation (ASIO-PTD)

Author Names : Yimer Ali Mohammed
Page No. : 01-83
Read Hit : 889
Pdf Downloads Hit : 4  volume 1 issue 1
Article Overview


Yimer Ali Mohammed, Dr. Pramod Mishira, CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF CROSS BORDER ILLEGAL MIGRATION TO GULF STATES FROM KUTABER, ETHIOPIA, ASIO Publication of Thesis & Dissertation (ASIO-PTD), 2016, July, 1(1): 01-83.

ARTICLE TYPE: Dissertation

dids/doi No.: 02.2016-61128823


In some developing countries such as Ethiopia the phenomenon of Illegal migration which is mainly triggered by  rural  'push' causes  than urban 'pull' causes  is the main cause of  unbalanced  rate of population growth and distribution between urban and rural areas in origin and destination states. This situation in turn affects the healthy development of both urban and rural areas. In spite of this fact, not much in known on many of the recent aspects  of illegal migration. The present study of migration from Kutaber  is  mainly  concerned  with  an  assessment  of  the  major causes  and  consequences  of  illegal migration  of people from rural- urban areas to foreign countries mainly to the middle East .

Some of the causes of illegal migration are: land fragmentation ,poverty, drought ,need to join friends and relatives, income generation, the search for job and urban amenities ,un coordinated activity of legal emigration process , and facilities in desired state are the most important. The study shown that the large family size and small land holding exposed  to illegal migration. Many of the migrants encountered problems at the initial period of adjustment and adaptation and even while traveling in night forest and coastal areas. The positive outcome of the successful illegal Migrants include: Remittance, building houses, running small businesses and a local restaurant, and engaging in the local transport sector in a joint venture. While negative side of illegal migration is moral deterioration, Dept crisis, work load on migrant and remaining family ,rejection by their families , and the community as they failed to meet expectations to return with adequate material wealth.

For illegal migration, location, income level and network variables are found to be most important. It is mainly those households who have less network and/or the capacity to finance legal migration who send  household  members  abroad  mostly  by  hating  the  legal  hindrance  in  process  and  time consuming. The new economics of labor migration (NELM) is important for all migration types underscoring the importance of the family as a decision unit. In line with this, some useful points of recommendations for effective rural-urban management and rural development activities are suggested by the researcher.

Key Words: Illegal migration, Cause, Consequence, Origin, Destination, Kutaber Woreda  

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