The Behaviourailsts had laid too a great deal significance on value-free research. In fact it was one of their essential points. They stood for value neutrality in research at all levels. Values for all practical purposes were out of their consideration. Post Behaviourailsts however, did not agree with this perspective and stressed on value loaded political Science. According to them all information stands on values and that unless value is considered as the basis of knowledge there is every threat that knowledge will become meaningless. They are of the view that in political research values have big role to play. The behaviouralists argue that science had some ideal commitments and that behaviouralism shared these ideal commitments of science. This thesis of the behaviouralists is not acceptable to the post-behaviouralists. They think that the technical research and scientific knowledge pursued by the behaviouralists should not be cut off from the realities of life. It should be related to vital social problems and aim at solving some problems. It is a reform movement of Behaviouralism which appreciates the work done by Behaviourailsts in developing tools, techniques and methods of research but wish that those should be used for the good of the society. Post Behaviouralism is one of the important approaches or revolutions to the study of political science.
Key Words: Social problems, Developing tools, Failure of behaviouralism, Political science