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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI) [ISSN: 2455-2224]

Author Names : Niharika Gaur
Page No. : 01-05
Read Hit : 997
Pdf Downloads Hit : 10  volume 2 issue 1
Article Overview


Niharika Gaur, Territorial Disputes and Their Solution: A Study of Latin America, ASIO Journal of  Humanities, Management & Social Sciences Invention (ASIO-JHMSSI) , 2(1), 2016: 01-05.


dids/doi No.:12.2015-81145222

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Territorial disputes are widespread. Almost every continent has them. An admiration of territory to one country or another should be reliable with international law, even if the award is the result of negotiations by the parties that have lead to mutually agreed terms. International adjudicative and arbitral bodies usually highlight the legal determinants of a territorial dispute. Latin America is no such exception and here we study about the territorial disputes. Successfully resolved territorial disputes of the past have been noted. In the end, we draw some assumptions about why there is a failure of such carefully drafted solutions.

Keywords: Territorial dispute, Latin America, Solutions

  1. rritorial_Conflicts.pdf
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  9. The classic sources on the history of territorial conflicts in the region are Gordon Ireland’s Boundaries, Possessions, and Conflicts in South America (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1938) and Boundaries, Possessions, and Conflicts in Central and North America and the C a r i b b e a n (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1941).
  10. Preston James, Latin America, 3d ed., New York: Odyssey Press, 1959.
  11. At the First International Conference of American States, held in Washington D.C. in 1889–90, a comprehensive Plan of Arbitration was elaborated but not ratified. Wide-scale acceptance of arbitration came at the Hague Peace Conference of 1899.
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  13. In Peru, for example, some voices warned about the Guarantors’ pressuring Peru into making territorial concessions it should not make in the name of reaching agreement. S i (Lima) in FBIS Daily Report/Latin America, April 27, 1997.