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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS) [ISSN: 2455-7064 ]

Author Names : Dr. Asni Johari
Page No. : 20-24
Read Hit : 858
Pdf Downloads Hit : 10  volume 1 issue 1
Article Overview


Dr. Asni Johari, Species diversity of thrips (thysanoptera) predator on chili plantation (capsicum annuum l.) in the highlands Jambi Province, Indonesia, ASIO Journal of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics & Applied Sciences (ASIO-JCPMAS), 2016, 1(1): 20-24.


dids/doi No.: 02.2016-14482937

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Species of thrips predators are very important in controlling the pest population in the field.  In the highlands of Jambi Province are the unreported species of natural enemy thrips.  Information species of predator thrips are very important in biological control precisely.  This research was conducted to explore, analyze the diversity species of thrips predator in the chili plantation highland province of Jambi.  The survey found that 18 species of thrips predator in highlands province of Jambi was grouped into eight families. These species are Ammoplanussp, Cheilomenessexmaculata, Chilocorusmelanophthalmus, Chilocorusruber, Chrysopodasp, Coccinellarepanda, Coelophora 9 maculata, Coelophorainaequalis, Coelophorareninplagiata, Metepeirasp, Misumenasp, Neosconasp, Oxyopessp 1, Oxyopessp 2, Oxyopessp 3, Termatophylideasp, Theridion sp1, and Theridion sp 2.  Sphecidae and Coccinellidaeis mostly found in the survey area. Species diversity of thrips predator in the high lands was relatively low category. The highest populations that founded in highlands were the members of specidae and coccinellidae family. Ammoplanus sp. is a family member of Sphecidaeare and Cheilomenessexmaculata in a group members of Coccinellidae & both were found most abundantly in summer (February to June) and winter (July to November) season.

Key words: Species diversity, thrips predator, Capsicum annuum L.

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