Abdul Kader Mohiuddin, The role of the pharmacist in patient care (book review), Journal of Medical & Health Sciences Research (ASIO-JMHSR), 2020, 4(2): 38-58.
† Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. M. Nasirullah Memorial Trust, Tejgaon, Dhaka 1215, Bangladesh
doi: 10.2016-74831794; DOI Link ::
Most people on the outside of the health care profession are not familiar with this new role of the pharmacist. The general public has created a stereotypical pharmacist's picture as being a person who stands behind a counter, dispenses medicine with some instructions to the respective consumer. Pharmacy practice has changed substantially in recent years. Today’s pharmacists have unique training and expertise in the appropriate use of medications and provide a wide array of patient care services in many different practice settings. As doctors are busy with the diagnosis and treatment of patients, the pharmacist can assist them by selecting the most appropriate drug for a patient. Interventions by the pharmacists have always been considered as a valuable input by the health care community in the patient care process by reducing the medication errors, rationalizing the therapy and reducing the cost of therapy. The development and approval of the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process by the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners and incorporation of the Process into the 2016 Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Standards has the potential to lead to important changes in the practice of pharmacy, and to the enhanced acknowledgment, acceptance, and reimbursement for pharmacy and pharmacist services. As an author, it is my heartiest believe that the book will adjoin significant apprehension to future pharmacists in patient care as most of the portion created from recently published articles focusing pharmacists in patient care settings.
Keywords: Patient Care; Patient Compliance; Patient Counseling; Extemporaneous Prescription Compounding; Framework for Medication Safety; Patient Behavior; Patient Education; Patient-Provider Relationship; Patient Relationship Management; Patient Problem Solving and Preventive Care; Pharmacovigilance; Patient Safety; Pharmaco-Economics; Long-term Care; Community Liaison Pharmacists in Home Care; Pharmacists in Ambulatory Care; Critical Care Pharmacists; Rational Use of Drugs; Surgical Dressing; Medication Risk Management; Medication History Taking and Reconciliation; Drug Related Problems; Medication Reconciliation; Palliative and Hospice Care.