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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Pharmaceutical & Herbal Medicines Research (ASIO-JPHMR) [ISSN: 2455-281X]

Author Names : Romeo C. Ongpoy
Page No. : 04-08
Read Hit : 1531
Pdf Downloads Hit : 15  volume 2 issue 1
Article Overview


Romeo C. Ongpoy, Jr. MSc RPh CPS. Level of Preparedness of the Filipino Pharmacists as Providers of Immunizations for Adult Patients, ASIO Journal of Pharmaceutical & Herbal Medicines Research (ASIO-JPHMR), 2(1), 2016: 04-08.


dids/doi No.: 12.2015-77737978

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The objective of this study is to investigate the level of preparedness of the Filipino Pharmacists in providing immunizations to adult patients particularly in their knowledge, behavior and skill as well as their assessment of the community pharmacy as an environment for immunization. To do this, original validated questionnaires were given to 353 Filipino Pharmacists from the major practice fields in the country – community, hospital, academe and industrial where 113 responded. The questionnaires were then consolidated and treated statistically to measure the level of preparedness reported in this study. About this study, it was found out that the Filipino Pharmacists are moderately prepared as to knowledge (2.95 bar from a scale of 5 and 0.96σ) and skill (3.11 X bar and 1.11σ) but very prepared behavior-wise (3.84 bar and 1.04σ). On the other hand, the community pharmacy environment in the Philippines is perceived to be moderately suitable for immunization by the respondents. The results show that the Filipino Pharmacists are very prepared (3.56bar) to provide immunization as part of their role. However, the Community Pharmacists who are the ones to immunize among the practice fields are only moderately prepared. The government needs to address the concerns of the Pharmacists in providing immunization like identifying and handling AE (2.81 bar and 1.12σ), knowledge in the principles of IM administration (2.83bar and 1.15σ) and handling parenteral (2.91bar and 1.15σ) as well as the training fee to provide immunizations (3.23 bar and 1.39σ) which is the major concern affecting behavior.

Keywords: Filipino, Immunization Providers, Pharmacists, Immunization, Vaccination

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