Doi: 10.2016-53692176; DOI Link::
This study evaluated the organosomatic and behavioral response of Heterobranchus bidorsalis exposed to rhonasate 360SL containing glyphosate (isopropylamine salt glycine). The fish samples were purchased from private fish farm in Okaka, Yenagoa metropolis, Bayelsa state. The fish samples have mean weight of 97.00g and length of 14.02cm. The fish samples were exposed to various concentrations i.e. 0.00, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03ppm of rhonasate 360SL for 14 days. Behavioral response was checked after the introduction of the toxicant for 2 hours. At the end of the experimental period the fish were dissected and spleen, heat, kidney and liver were obtained and weighed using electrical weighing balance. The study found that the behaviors (i.e. swimming pattern, body pigmentation, surfacing and air gulping, operulcar movement) were altered as the toxicant was introduced. The initial and final condition factor of the fish showed significant variation (P<0.05). Also, there was no significant difference (P>0.05) among the various concentration of the toxicant in each of the organosomatic indices i.e. Renatosomatic, Spleenosomatic and Hepathosomatic studied apart from Cardiosomatic index. This suggested that toxicants i.e. rhonasate 360SL did not significantly increase the organs of fishes. However, caution should be exercise in the use of herbicides such as rhonasate 360SL close to aquatic ecosystem.
Keywords: Fisheries, Herbicides, Pesticides, Toxicity, Water pollution.
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