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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Microbiology, Food Science & Biotechnological Innovations (ASIO-JMFSBI) [ISSN: 2455-3751]

Author Names : Lovet T. Kigigha
Page No. : 17-21
Read Hit : 901
Pdf Downloads Hit : 20  volume 3 issue 1
Article Overview


This study investigated the in-situ water and microbial parameters of fermentation of guinea corn. Three samples of guinea corn were purchased from three different vendors at Opolo market in Yenegoa metropolis, Bayelsa state. The guinea corn was fermented for 0 – 72 hours and microbial density and in-situ water quality parameters were analysed at every 12 hours following standard procedure. Results showed that at 72 hours and 0 hours the values were 2.5mg/l and 5.12 mg/l respectively (for dissolved oxygen) 3.98 and 6.40 respectively (for pH). Salinity, conductivity, total dissolve solid and turbidity increased as the fermentation progressed ranging from 99.10 to 966.53 ppm; 211.50 to 1585.13 µS/cm; 107.53 to 1320.22 mg/l and 59.63 to 356.30 NTU respectively. Microbial density for total heterotrophic bacteria counts; bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceace and fungi (mould and yeast) ranged from 4.62 to 6.85 Log cfu/ml, 1.67 to 3.97 Log cfu/ml and 3.78 to 4.71 Log cfu/ml respectively. Analysis of variance showed that there were significance differences (P<0.05) among the various fermentation periods for the parameters except temperature and fungi counts. Decline in microbial density appears to suggest the effect of increased acidity. Increase in salinity, conductivity, total dissolved solid may be associated to biochemical processes in the fermentation medium which resulted in the release of more free ions.

Keywords: Fermentation, Guinea corn, In-situ water quality, Microbial population.


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