Article Overview
Vishal Galave, Kajal Nadaf, Pravin Metkari, Priyanka Nangare, Amruta Menkudale, Priyanka Surushe, Blotting methods for the investigation of DNA, RNA, and proteins, ASIO Journal of Microbiology, Food Science & Biotechnological Innovations (ASIO-JMFSBI), 2021, 6(1): 01-08.
Department of Pharmaceutics, Navsahyadri Institute of Pharmacy, Naigaon( Nasarapur), Pune
Doi: 10.2016-53692176;
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Blotting is a typical procedure which are southern, western, northern and eastern are relevant for various kinds of macromolecules like lipids, RNA, DNA and proteins.. Western blotching (or immunoblotting) is a generally utilized method to distinguish proteins just as posttranslational changes on proteins, utilizing counter acting agent based tests to get clear data about objective proteins from multifaceted examples. Southern blotching is the first smearing strategy, which began the naming framework. It was intended by Edwin Southern. The Southern smear is utilized to recognize the measure of DNA in a blend. The term 'northern smudge' really alludes explicitly to the hair like exchange of RNA from the electrophoresis gel to the smearing layer. The eastern smear, or eastern blotching, is a biochemical method used to look at protein post-translational modifications (PTM) including the development of lipids, phosphates, and glycoconjugates. It is normally used to recognize sugar epitopes.
Keywords: Southern, Northern, Western Blotting, Probe, Hybridization, Antibody, Membrane.
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